
Akashic records

Some religions and spiritual beliefs have the idea of a repository of all events that have ever, or will ever, happen. Commonly known as the Akashic (the Sanskrit word Akasha means ether, atmosphere or sky) records, they are a collection of all the events, thoughts, words, emotions to have occurred in the past, present, or future anywhere in the universe. And not just for humans, but for all entities and life forms.

In contrast to traditional secular ideas, thoughts and consciousness are not a by-product of the brains function, but have their own objective and universal reality independent of the physical. And it is this that is stored in the Akashic records.

It is thought that this fantastic resource is housed in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. This is a plane of thought and so can only be accessed through using your mind with techniques such as hypnosis or mediation.

So using hypnosis and other modalities you can explore the Akashic records and discover past lives, future lives or insight into your current life. Archives and records can be a tremendous source of information and can bring meaning to what you have or are experiencing. As Antony Beevor (British Historian) put it, “I get slightly obsessive about working in archives because you don’t know what you’re going to find. In fact, you don’t know what you’re looking for until you find it”.

The term was adopted in Western spiritualism in the late 19th century. It was first introduced to the theosophical world by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Russian author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875) who characterised it as a type of life force. She also referred to “indestructible tablets of the astral light” recording both the past and future of human thought and actions.

This was later referenced and built upon by a number of academics and theosophical scholars. Henry Steel Olcott was an American military officer, journalist, lawyer, Freemason and the co-founder and first president of the Theosophical Society. Olcott wrote that “Buddha taught two things are eternal, ‘Akasa’ and ‘Nirvana’: everything has come out of Akasa in obedience to a law of motion inherent in it, and, passes away. No thing ever comes out of nothing.”

Charles Webster Leadbeater was a member of the Theosophical Society, Co-Freemasonry, author and co-initiator of the Liberal Catholic Church. He identified the Akashic records by name as something a clairvoyant could read. In his 1913 book ‘Man: Whence, How and Whither’, he claimed it recorded the history of Atlantis and other civilizations as well as the future society of Earth in the 28th century.

Alice Ann Bailey was a writer on theosophical subjects and was one of the first writers to use the term New Age. In her book ‘Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Book 3 – Union achieved and its Results (1927) she wrote, “The Akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Herein lies the great deception of the records. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire”.

So if you’d like to know more about Akashic records and past lives then contact me.


Beyond Quantum Healing

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is part of a family of Hypnotherapy techniques that also include Introspective Hypnosis, Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). It is a form of hypnosis that is closely allied to Delores Cannon’s work on QHHT. The Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) technique was created by Candace Craw Goldman. Candace worked with Delores and not long after her death in 2014 she developed her own methodology and released it in 2017.

With BQH hypnosis techniques are used so you reach a deep state of relaxation that allows you to connect with your Higher Self (subconscious, Spirit Self, etc.).  Doing this you can visit past lives, future lives, life between lives, as well as forgotten memories from your current life. Essentially, the Hypnotherapist asks your subconscious to reveal information that may be unknown to the conscious mind that will aid in healing and discovering the root cause of both mental and physical problems, illnesses and phobias.

I think John Polkinghorne (English Theoretical Physicist and Theologian) put it very well, “Quantum theory also tells us that the world is not simply objective; somehow it’s something more subtle than that. In some sense it is veiled from us, but it has a structure that we can understand”.

Practitioners of QHHT do not provide on line sessions and adhere to a tightly controlled scripts. While with BQH it can be done in person or on line and the Hypnotherapist is encouraged to let the session develop organically, going where the client’s subconscious leads. The idea of letting the session develop naturally rather than being prescriptive is key to the way this modality works. The Hypnotherapist acts as a facilitator to allow the client to communicate with your higher self. It also allows you to ask questions that have been prepared beforehand.

You can ask anything, be it guidance on an issue, about the future, life purpose, health, relationships, etc.  But I know from experience that while you can ask about anything, you may not get an answer. You might be told it’s not significant or important. Another common answer is that you planned for the thing you are worried about to happen before you started this life. While seeking knowledge is important, the healing aspect of BQH is equally appealing. It can help you heal all sorts of traumas and issues. Healing of the physical, mental and emotional can take place in these sessions.

Everyone’s experience is unique and different. Due to the nature of BQH there is no way to know how the session will go and what you will learn. And it can take a few hours, days, weeks, or even months to fully process and understand the information you receive. If this sounds like something that you might be interested in, then contact me for more information and a free initial consultation.


Jazz Jennings

Jazz Jennings is an American YouTube personality, television personality, and LGBT rights activist.  Jennings is one of the youngest publicly documented people to identify as transgender. Jennings received media attention in 2007, aged just seven, when an interview with Barbara Walters aired on 20/20 and this led to more high profile interviews and appearances. She has since said, “Ever since I could form coherent thoughts, I knew I was a girl trapped inside a boy’s body. There was never any confusion in my mind. The confusing part was why no one else could see what was wrong.”

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Jennings has hosted a series of YouTube videos about her life, titled ‘I Am Jazz’. Jennings also stars in the TLC reality TV series, also called ‘I Am Jazz’. It focuses on her life with her family as a teenager and as a transgender youth. The series premiered in 2015 and the seventh season aired at the end of 2021.

In 2018, while trying to lose 30 pounds (14 kg) ahead of gender confirmation surgery, Jazz sought the help of a Hypnotherapist. Part of this treatment involved a past life progression session to get to the bottom of why she was struggling to lose weight. She experienced a past life where she had suffered persecution and starvation. This may be at the root of her weight issues. 

As an experienced Hypnotherapist, I have a range of techniques and methods I can use to help you overcome ailments and conditions. One technique I specialise in, is regression. In its simplest form it’s where I guide you back in time to explore the root cause of a problem by unearthing forgotten memories stored in your subconscious.

However, a really powerful aspect of this technique is that the amount of time you can go back is not limited to this life time. This is due to genetic memory, soul memory and reincarnation. This means our subconscious minds contain memories of other lives we have lived. It’s likely you have lives many, many lives.

I am a passionate advocate for past life regression and the healing and insight it can bring. As William Wordsworth (English Romantic Poet) said, “Life is divided into three terms – that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present, to live better in the future”.

In particular I use a past life regression methodology called Introspective Hypnosis. This combines several different common techniques including traditional Hypnosis, Forgiveness Therapy, Role Change, Past Life Regression and Spirit Assistance also known as Spirit Releasement.

If this something you are interested or feel you could benefit from then get in touch.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

I have written before about Dolores Cannon – the pioneer of past life regression. This time I would like to talk about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). QHHT is Dolores’s own technique that uses hypnosis to achieve Quantum healing. Doing this you can visit past lives, future lives, life between lives, as well as forgotten memories from your current life.

Basically, the Hypnotherapist asks the subconscious of the client to reveal information that may be unknown to the conscious mind that will aid in healing and discovering the root cause of both mental and physical problems, illnesses and phobias.

QHHT is not based in any religion or culture. It simply allows for the conscious mind, through hypnosis, to make contact with the subconscious. As Deepak Chopra (Indian-born American author and alternative medicine advocate) said, “People need to know that they have all the tools within themselves. Self-awareness, which means awareness of their body, awareness of their mental space, awareness of their relationships – not only with each other, but with life and the ecosystem”.

In 1989 Deepak Chopra’s Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind / Body Medicine was published. This was followed by Perfect Health: The Complete Mind / Body Guide in 1990. And it was in these books that Chopra coined the term “quantum healing”. Quantum healing is regarded as a form of alternative medicine. Practitioners of quantum healing believe that quantum phenomena govern health and wellbeing.

QHHT is a form of past life regression and is a powerful technique to help us to access the part of ourselves that transcends many lives. This part of ourselves, as Dolores had learned, is ever present and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind, in the subconscious. It is called The Higher Self, The Over Soul, even just the Soul. When we reincarnate we don’t remember our previous lives, the life between lives and our connection to our soul family and the Source (or God). But using these techniques we can see and experience past and even future life.

If this is something you would be interested in then contact me.


Brian Weiss

Doctor Brian Weiss is an American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author. In 1980 Weiss had one of his patients (Catherine) begin experiencing a past life while under hypnosis. Then a devout sceptic about such things, he did not believe in reincarnation. However, his curiosity was peaked and he was able to confirm parts of Catherine’s accounts through investigating public records.

Consequently, he came to be convinced of the persistence of part of the human personality after death.  He now specialises in past life regression and has regressed thousands of people. Today, Weiss is an advocate of hypnotic regression to treat many phobias and ailments as they are often rooted in a past life.

Dolores Cannon (pioneer of past life regression) and her husband, Johnny, had a similar experience in 1968 when a client unexpectedly started to experience a past life. Cannon went on to develop her own technique for using hypnosis to heal called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).

It’s rare, but it does occasionally happen that, when a Hypnotherapist works with a client for some other reason, for them to experience (jump into) a past life. But most past life experiences happen when having a hypnotherapist regress you. 

Both Weiss and Cannon have spoken about communication with “super-evolved, nonphysical souls”. These function as guides and can be a source of amazing insight. A past life regression is an opportunity to ask these beings questions.

In 2013 Weiss spoke with Oprah Winfrey about his life and work and specifically about the client who changed his life and made him believe in past lives.

Most people believe in some form of reincarnation and past life regression is only a small leap from there. For example, there is Willie Nelson (American Musician) who said, “I started out really young, when I was four, five, six, writing poems, before I could play an instrument. I was writing about things when I was eight or 10 years old that I hadn’t lived long enough to experience. That’s why I also believe in reincarnation, that we were put here with ideas to pass around”.

I am an experienced practitioner of past life regression having worked with many clients. I favour a past life regression technique called Introspective Hypnosis. This combines Past Life Regression with healing and Spirit Assistance also known as Spirit Releasement. If this is something you are interested or feel you could benefit from then get in touch.


Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon was a pioneer of past life regression and developed her own technique for using hypnosis to heal called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She is a fascinating character and one that truly helped to bring hypnosis and past life regression into the mainstream.

She started, along with her husband Johnny, in the 1960s using hypnosis to treat unwanted habits such as smoking. In 1968, while working with a woman to resolve an eating disorder the client started to describe a life as a woman living in Chicago in the 1920s. The woman seemed to transform into a different personality complete with a different voice and mannerisms. Fascinated by this experience, her and her husband continued to work with this woman and over the following months explored five different lifetimes. These events were described in her first book, Five Lives Remembered. This event sparked her interest in lost knowledge and reincarnation and led to the development of QHHT.

QHHT combines past life regression and a healing process to address physical ailments and problems. Past Life Regression involves the hypnotherapist regressing an individual and guiding them through a past life. The subconscious of the client selects which past life to visit and the past life is always relevant to the current life the individual is living. It is common for multiple past lives to be shown during a single session.

Guided by the Hypnotherapist, the subconscious then identifies any physical problems it detects within the body. It can also explain the cause of it, be it from the current life or a past life. The Hypnotherapist can then ask the subconscious if it is suitable for healing to occur. If so, this is done instantaneously by replacing the problem with positive energy. Healing will only be effective if the individual wants to be healed and if it does not conflict with the goals of their present lifetime.

As Pooja Bedi (Indian Actress) said, “I’ve ventured into my past life and have experienced it. What I was in the previous life and why I’ve taken birth in this world, I believe in all of this because I’ve seen it on my own”.

This is a very powerful technique that has many practitioners throughout the world. There are no guarantees, but there are often some of the most remarkable results from a session. The only limitations are those of our imagination and those we place on ourselves. Anything is possible.

To find out more about past life regression and the healing effects of hypnotherapy in general then contact me.



Abraham–Hicks’ teachings are a popular belief system about our existence and the universe, especially among followers of Spiritualism and New Age ideas. Esther Hicks is an American Channeler, Public Speaker and Author. She has co-written several books with her late husband, Jerry Hicks, on the Law of Attraction and Abraham-Hicks teachings.

When channelling Hicks has frequently encountered an entity calling itself Abraham. This was first documented by Esther and Jerry Hicks in to 1980s. Many of Esther Hicks’ books are regarded as “translated from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham”. Hicks also describes these experiences as tapping into an “infinite intelligence”.

Through Hicks, Abraham has also said, “We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions.” And that, whenever one feels moments of great love, exhilaration, or pure joy, that is the energy of Source and that is who Abraham is. Source is the source energy from which we are all derived.

These teachings and philosophies are known as Abraham – Hicks teachings. Key elements of these teachings are that people create their own reality through their attention and focus. Also that emotions are a person’s guidance system that indicates how close or distant they are to how their Source feels about a particular topic of focus.

Another key part is that we are all the physical extensions of the non-physical entities. And Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (French Philosopher) put it very well when he said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”.

Other parts of Abraham–Hicks’ teachings are:
• People are in their bodies because they chose to be.
• The basis of life is freedom; the purpose of life is joy; the result of life is growth.
• People are creators; they create with their thoughts and attention.
• Whatever people can imagine clearly with emotion, by creating a perfect vibrational match, is theirs to be, do, or have.
• Individuals choose their creations as they choose their focus.
• Emotions indicate what people are creating, either consciously or unconsciously.
• The universe adores people; it knows their broadest intentions.
• Individuals are invited to happily relax into their natural well-being and know that all is well.
• Life is not meant to be a struggle, but a process of allowing.
• People are creators of “throughways” on their unique “paths of joy”.
• Desirable physical manifestations such as money, relationships, and lifestyle success are by-products of focusing on joy.
• Individuals may depart their body without illness or pain.
• People cannot die; their lives are everlasting. Death of the physical body does not end the life of the individual.
• The nature of the universe is life-affirming. It is infinite, creative and expanding.
• All desire can be fulfilled – anything you can imagine is yours to be, do, or have.
• Individuals are not only a part of the universe, but are the very source of it.
• As you are choosing your thoughts, your emotions are guiding you.

A large part of Hicks’ work centres around the Law of Attraction, a concept which William Walker Atkinson (American pioneer of the New Thought movement) wrote about in his book Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World (1906). Esther Hicks has been interviewed about the Law of Attraction and Abraham by Oprah Winfrey in 2019. 



Introspective Hypnosis

If I can inspire one spark of awareness or get a spark of introspection or reflection about someone else’s life, that’s a beautiful thing, in my opinion. – Noah Centineo (American Actor)

As you may know, one of my passions is past life regression. But I am also a qualified practitioner of Introspective Hypnosis. So what is Introspective Hypnosis? Well it was originally created by Aurelio Mejia and has been adapted and taught by Antonio Sangio and Alba Weinman. It’s a collection of overlapping and complimentary Hypnotherapy techniques that help you to explore and heal the body, mind and soul. These include Hypnosis, Forgiveness Therapy, Role Change, Past Life Regression, Spirit Assistance (aka Spirit Releasement), Soul Fragmentation and Recovery and Entrapment of the Soul.

Now that may sound a little complicated, but in practice it means getting access to a person’s subconscious to look for the origin of psychological problems or psychosomatic symptoms such as fears, phobias, addictions. Often these are caused by a past event in this life or in a previous one. Other techniques within the Introspective Hypnosis family are then used to deal with these problems and bring relief.

Yes, I did just say that the root of a problem may be in a previous life. Deep in the mind we have traces of past experiences that it is not convenient to remember. Past-life recall comes from long-term memory stored in your subconscious. The soul’s history is stored in the Akashic Records which you are able to contact through your unconscious mind. Exploring your past lives can reveal a new understanding of your personality. This can explain why you are drawn to certain places, types of people or have a particular interest in something.

So, knowing the source of a problem is a key step towards solving it. Introspective hypnosis is used to release emotional conflicts and look for the origin of psychosomatic diseases in order to find and remove the triggering emotion from the problem. Regression therapy is a technique in which hypnosis is used so that a patient safely remembers the moment at the root of their phobias, fears, sadness, anguish, eating disorder, low self-esteem, insecurity, pain, obesity, obsessions, allergies, addictions, etc. Other techniques, such as Forgiveness Therapy or Soul Fragmentation, are then used to understand the reason for a condition, forgive, accept and reprogram their mind to generate a healing effect.

This is a very powerful, but gentle, technique and experience over many therapies has shown me that, in most cases, one session is enough to provide relief if not a full cure. If you feel this is something that can help you, then contact me.


Group Regression

I recently had the great pleasure of doing a group Past Life Regression with the North East of England Connecting Consciousness group over the video conferencing application, Zoom.

The Connecting Consciousness Group is a grass roots organisation for people who recognise that the development on this planet is not always to the benefit of all mankind. Specifically, they recognise that current structures are not necessarily responsive to people or the planet, and they seek to solve global challenges through physical and spiritual development, education and governance.

The Connecting Consciousness group seeks to encourage and support people on their learning journey to become awakened to the world around them, to develop their understanding of who they are and their true position within the world, and thus to help humanity and all life move forward in a positive way.

The session was well attended with about fifty people participating. It was a great success and everyone seemed to get something from it. I thoroughly enjoyed facilitating the session and my favourite time is afterwards when everybody eagerly shared their experiences with me. Of course there were lots of questions too but I can talk about this subject nonstop. Without betraying any confidences, I can share that there were a few very interesting experiences and some people gained spiritual insights. It’s always amazing to be a witness to that “Aha” moment when people realise how a past life impacts their current life and explains things about this life and the lessons we can learn from that life to apply in this life.

Past Life regressions is an area I specialise in. It is a gentle healing technique that takes you on a hypnotic journey safely into a past lifetime that you may want to explore. When you do this you come away from the session with a much broader concept of who you are, and things often will come up that will explain the source of some of the issues and challenges in this lifetime. Regression work is a reflection on the soul’s journey. Your reflection on the past can bring meaning, understanding, and insight to the present.

Past-life recall comes from long-term memory banks in your subconscious. The soul’s history is stored in the Akashic Records which you are able to contact through your unconscious mind. In these sessions you have an opportunity to gain access to your record. Lessons from the past will come to your awareness and, when you observe a pattern of behaviour, you will be able to develop a way to take corrective action.

While group regression can be very effective and gives a great introduction to it, the best way to explore past lives and access the Akashic Records is to do it in a one to one session with a hypnotherapist. This allows you to have a more interactive and personal session where the hypnotherapist can guide you effectively and respond to what you are experiencing. To find out more about Past Life Regression, click here

If you are interested in a session then contact me for more information. 


Progression through regression

What is past life regression? How does it work?

A Hypnotherapist has many techniques at their disposal to help their clients overcome problematic ailments and conditions. One of the most interesting ones, and one I specialise in, is regression. This is where the Hypnotherapist guides the client back in time to explore the root cause of a condition by finding forgotten memories stored in the subconscious mind. An example of this is a recent client who had been struggling with insomnia for many years. In his early working life he had worked at night. Using regression we were able to uncover the subconscious minds associating darkness with working rather than sleeping. Once this was discovered we were able to appeal to the subconscious to allow him to sleep at night and not prepare for work.

Interestingly, the amount of time you can go back is not limited to this life time. No one is quite sure why it works, but it does. It’s probably due to genetic memory, soul memory and reincarnation. This means our subconscious minds contain memories of other lives we have lived. It also means that these experiences and traumas can have an impact on the present day. Perhaps you are scared of dogs, even though you have always avoided them and have no real reason to fear them. Perhaps you had a bad experience with dogs in a previous life? Put simply we are a combination of all the experiences we have had over many lifetimes.

So why would I want a past life regression? Well, there can be several reasons. Firstly, if you are struggling with a problem that might be rooted in a past life this is the most effective way to resolve it. Past lives can affect many aspects of our personality, thoughts and behaviour. In some cases, past traumas can cause psychological problems or psychosomatic pain that cannot be easily resolved by conventional means.

Exploring your past lives can reveal a new understanding of your personality. This can explain why you are drawn to certain places, types of people or have a particular interest in something. This can be very rewarding and enjoyable. Frequent past life regressions mean you can start to understand your past lives in more detail, including places, names and historical periods. These can often be verified by research to provide a tremendously colourful view of your past.

One further aspect of past life regression is that groups of souls often reincarnate together. If you have ever met someone for the first time and immediately feel a connection, rapport or closeness, perhaps you have known their soul before.

To find out more about regression and what I can do for you, click here