So, how was 2023 for you? For me, not so good with many challenges. But, I feel 2024 is a year of potential and great promise.
Personal Boundaries: Make & Maintain
As I have grown older, and hopefully wiser, I have realised that having well defined personal boundaries are critical to happiness and being fulfilled.
Your Inner Critic: Show It the Door
Do you have an inner critic? An inner voice that undermines, criticises and reduces your self-esteem. That voice that when you do well says, ‘Yeah, but…’.
Post Co-vid Burnout: Need to Know
Post co-vid there has been a lot of talk about burnout and how the altered working and social life has caused more of it. Even before co-vid, it was an issue.
Spiritual Literacy Month: Finding Out
It encourages anyone who is spiritual to expand our knowledge. It’s an opportunity to open our minds or time deepen our knowledge.