

I thought I was say a few words about why you might want to have a past life regression. And to do so I am going to have to use a Welsh word as there is no equivalent one in English. The reason you should have a past life regression is hiraeth. Roughly, it translates as a longing for a time or place you can never go back to. It can also mean homesickness tinged with grief and sadness over the lost or departed.

Perhaps you visit a place and immediately felt at home or even ill at ease. Perhaps you have unusual memories, an unexplained interest or fascination with somewhere. In a previous life perhaps this place was important to you. Phil Collins (Drummer and Singer) has an obsession with the battle of the Alamo and believes he is the incarnation of one of its defenders.

In a similar way to being drawn to a place, a particular time may be important to you. Tina Turner (Singer) has a great interest in ancient Egypt and believes she is the reincarnation of an Egyptian Pharaoh. And she is not alone. The musician and songwriter Marc Bolan (Glam rock band T Rex) said, “I personally believe that I was… a previous life or something… a previous reincarnation, a bard of some sort, because most of the things I write about are descriptions of places I’ve never been to”.

Another reason is if you have unexplained physical symptoms? This is one of the most common reasons to have a session. Called somatizations, they are physical symptoms that can’t be fully explained by the presence of a medical condition. These are often physical expressions of traumas and other psychological issues sometimes rooted in a past life. It is often possible to completely heal or alleviate these symptoms using self-healing techniques.

Past life regressions can also be used to cure phobias. A phobia is an excessive fear of something. So, while it’s normal to be wary of certain creatures (snakes, etc.) or situations (flying) an extreme reaction can be a sign of a past trauma. So, is the phobia explainable? If you have a phobia of dogs, but have never had a bad encounter with one, perhaps the cause is from a past life. For example, the singer Stevie Nicks has a phobia of exposing her neck. She believes she was beheaded in a previous life.

When having a past life regression it is common to come into contact with a guide or your higher self and it is often possible to ask them questions. For example, you may feel you have met your partner in a previous life, worry whether you are doing the right things in life or have an important (life changing) choice to make. These are all popular things to ask about.

And now you have found this article and are thinking that everything happens for a reason. The universe is giving you a gentle nudge. And maybe it’s time to listen and contact me for a session.


Ode to World Poetry Day

On World Poetry Day, let us celebrate,

The hypnotic power of words that captivate,

And those who wield them with poise and grace,

To help us find peace in this chaotic place.


They guide us to a state of deep relaxation,

And free us from the grip of anxiety’s sensation,

With their voice that’s soothing and serene,

And their presence that’s gentle yet keen.


They unlock the doors of our subconscious mind,

And reveal the secrets that we have left behind,

With their skilful touch and their hypnotic gaze,

They help us heal from the wounds of bygone days.


They use their craft to create a better tomorrow,

And free us from pain, fear and sorrow,

Their power lies not in control or manipulation,

But in their ability to help us find our own liberation.


Hypnosis practitioners, they are the poets of the mind,

Crafting words that are healing, empowering and kind,

On World Poetry Day, let us honour their art,

And the magic they can bring to everyone’s heart.


Self care

I wrote recently about the importance of self-love and I now want to say a few words about self-care. For me, self-care is part of self-love, but is specifically practical things you should do to ensure you are fit, healthy and happy. Self-love is more of a state of mind. Self-care consists of deliberate actions and behaviours you do because you know they are good for you. These things tend to take a little effort and are always good for us holistically.  Self-care is not selfish or bad, it’s an essential part of everyday life. Aldous Huxley (English writer and philosopher) put it very well when he said, “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self”.

So, here are a few things you can do to care for yourself. Make time for yourself. Time to do things for yourself, be it read a book, watch your favourite TV show or just nothing at all. We all have demanding lives, but some ‘me’ time is essential. Similarly, find time to relax and perhaps meditate. Making time to calm your mind and take a break is always a good idea. It’s a time to reflect and think.

Make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is the biggest factor that underpins a healthy lifestyle. We can all get busy or perhaps have a late night, but prolonged lack of sleep will affect your mental health and immune system, making you more likely to be unwell. 

Make time for regular exercise. Not every type of exercise is right for everyone. Find something you like that you can fit into your life. Be it walking, running, Zumba, Squash, the gym, swimming or even a few moments on an exercise bike in your bedroom.

Also, eat as well as you can. Avoid food that is bad for you and remember, everything in moderation. So be aware of how much fat, sugar and salt there is in the food you eat.

Stress management and prevention is also important. As with exercise it’s a very personal choice, so spend some time to find the one that is right for you. Spending time in nature, mindfulness or meditation are all things that can be very effective.

We all have to do things we dislike or find unpleasant from time to time. But plan when you do these things to reduce the impact on you.

Finally, spending time with friends and family are also very important. We all need to have some companionship and to have a laugh from time to time. Social connect is good for us and can be a useful way to share problems, gain a new perceptive or blow off some steam. As Leo Buscaglia (American author and motivational speaker) says, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”.

If you need help or advice on self-care, then contact me.


Division of Perceptual Studies

As you know I am a believer in reincarnation and one of my passions is to help others experience their past lives. And you may well share my beliefs and also be interested in past lives. But did you know that there are a growing number of scientists and researchers who are working to prove that we have past lives and investigate them.   

Founded in 1967, the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) is a research unit of the Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences of the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine in the United States. For the most part, science and philosophy see the mind, personality and consciousness as by-products of brain activity which end at death. Through it’s research, DOPS challenges this view by rigorously evaluating evidence suggesting that consciousness survives death and that the mind and brain are distinct and separable. 

DOPS has four main areas of research – altered states of consciousness, near death experiences, Neuroimaging Studies of Psi (Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) and Psychokinesis) and Children Who have Memories of Previous Lives. And it’s that last one that really interests me. Yes, they have a large number of children who remember past lives and they have researched these lives to see if the information they provided could be verified. And, in many cases it can.  

I have written before about reincarnation and the cultures and religions that believe in it. In the west this is regarded as highly unusual and is often not believed. As Jim Tucker (Director of the Division of Perceptual Studies) says “Some young children, usually between the ages of 2 and 5, speak about memories of a previous life they claim to have lived. At the same time they often show behaviours, such as phobias or preferences that are unusual within the context of their particular family and cannot be explained by any current life events. These memories appear to be concordant with the child’s statements about a previous life”. 

A notable example is Ryan Hammons who recalled specific facts about the life of a man name called Marty Martyn.  Research revealed that these were verifiable memories of being a Hollywood extra and talent agent. One further case is that of James Leininger, a young boy who had verifiable past-life memories of being a WWII pilot. And due to the unusual nature of his death it was possible to verify his recollections. 

There are several interviews with Jim Tucker and others from DOPS on YouTube and I have included them here.

So, who were you in a previous life? To find out using past life regression then contact me.

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At the moment there is snow in most parts of the UK. This is not unusual in winter, but it is becoming rarer. Times like this reminds me how much I do love snow. Having grown up in southern Africa (mostly South Africa, but also Zimbabwe) I didn’t see snow as a child. Even when, as an adult, I travelled I found myself in Florida. It was not until I came to the United Kingdom that I saw snow for the first time. It was such a magical and exciting experience. As J. B. Priestley (British Novelist and Playwright) said, “The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?”

Snow brightens the world and can be very calming. It also creates a Christmas like scene which many people associate with family, friends and happy times. It can also bring people together as they clear their cars or driveways at the same time or help a neighbour to do so.

Snow is truly wondrous, but it can be bad news for some. If you have to travel in it for any reason or can’t afford to heat your home it can be a disaster. But even if you are fortunate enough to not have these problems, winter can have other effects on your mental and physical health.

Many of us know about the winter blues or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The causes of SAD are not fully understood, but it’s thought to be caused by reduced exposure to sunlight. The lack of sunlight stops the brain from producing the right amount of several important substances. These are:

  • Melatonin. A hormone that makes you feel sleepy. SAD sufferers produce more than normal levels.
  • Serotonin. A hormone that affects your mood, appetite and sleep. Reduced levels are linked to feelings of depression.
  • Vitamin D. This vital vitamin boosts the immune system and ensure healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

So, try to get some sun, albeit winter sun. Perhaps take Vitamin D tablets and if you need help then ask for it. So if you struggle at this time of year, then Hypnotherapy can help. Contact me for more information.



I wrote recently about the perils of doom scrolling and I wanted to also touch on the concept of Catastrophizing. Basically, this is when you fixates on the worst possible outcome and assume it’s likely, even when it isn’t. It’s also called “magnifying” because a person perceives a situation to be seem much worse than it really is.

The causes of it are unclear, but I think it is likely borne of a poor mind set and likely depression or anxiety. We all feel nervous or anxious sometimes. But, anxiety disorders cause intense anxiety that restrict with normal life. Sufferers experience heightened fear and obsession with danger or threats. For example, you are diagnosed with depression and because a family member committed suicide you convince yourself that you will also killer yourself.

The key to overcoming catastrophic thinking is to recognise what you are doing and use strategies to manage and correct the irrational thoughts. Some ideas you can try include:

  • Life is often full of challenges and so you may have good and bad days. But, one bad day does not mean all days will be bad.
  • Catastrophizing often follows a pattern. A person will start with a thought about a problem or issue. They will then brood on it and expand the scope and scale of the problem to become far more than it is. Recognise the irrational thoughts and avoiding the spiral.
  • Know when to stop. When you see the pattern – stop. Perhaps to cease those repetitive, catastrophic thoughts, you may have to say “Stop!” out loud. This will break the flow of thoughts.
  • Instead of thinking about a negative outcome, try to focus on a positive one. Or at least a less negative one.
  • Try positive affirmations. You have to believe that there can be a positive outcome to defeat the tendency to fear the worst. So try repeating a positive affirmation on a daily basis. Such as “Wherever I am, I create a safe and secure space for myself”.
  • Look after yourself. Catastrophic thoughts are more likely to occur when you are tired and stressed. Getting enough sleep and perhaps try exercise, meditation, or mindfulness.

Mindfulness can be particularly useful with this as it involves being aware, present and grounded in the now rather than focusing on the past or the future. It has also been shown to help with a wide range of other conditions.

Catastrophizing can affect anyone during times of stress. It does not signal a mental health condition. But as with many habits and traits, if it interferes with daily life and functioning, it may be a sign of an underlying cause such as depression or anxiety. But as Lynda Resnick (American businesswoman) said, “When you wake up each morning, you can choose to be happy or choose to be sad. Unless some terrible catastrophe has occurred the night before, it is pretty much up to you. Tomorrow morning, when the sun shines through your window, choose to make it a happy day”.

If you think hypnotherapy can help with stress, anxiety or negative thoughts then contact me.