Do you suffer from Procrastination? Signs are filling your day with low-priority tasks and having important items on your to-do list for a long time.
Procrastination: A Quick Guide
I have been meaning to write about procrastination for some time now, but haven’t got around to it. So, here it is. An introduction and guide.
Mindfulness: Benefits and Techniques
Mindfulness comes from Buddhist teachings and has four elements. These are Mindfulness of body sensations, feelings, state of mind and contents of our minds.
Blue Monday: But Don’t Be Sad
The third Monday of January has been designated the saddest day of the year. Known as Blue Monday, in the northern hemisphere at least.
Festival of Sleep: Sleep’s Important
Have you had a restful festive period? Many of us will not have done so despite it being a holiday period. But fear not, 3 January is the Festival of Sleep Day.
Merry Christmas. Reflections on 2021
It has not been the year I hoped it would be. And with the emergence of the Omicron Co-vid variant, perhaps 2022 will be difficult too. But, Merry Christmas.
Fear of Needles? Use Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can change how you feel about the object of your phobia and your emotional response, such as needles and help you overcome it.
Stress Awareness Week: Stressed Out?
Stress is common and can come from many sources. I wanted to focus in detail about what stress is and how to recognise the signs.
NHS Mental Health: Every Mind Matters
Recently the National Health Service (NHS) launched a mental wellbeing campaign called “Every Mind Matters” to improve or maintain your mental health.
Work Life Balance: Always Connected?
More of us are working from home. However, this has blurred the line between working time and leisure time. How is your work life balance?