Meteoropathy and mood. Many of us know about the winter blues or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The causes of SAD are reduced exposure to sunlight.
Catastrophizing. Don’t Over Think It
Basically, Catastrophizing is when you fixates on the worst possible outcome and assume it’s likely, even when it isn’t. It’s also called “magnifying”.
Hypnotic Regression: Benefits & More
Hypnotic Regression is the most powerful techniques at a Hypnotherapist’s disposal. It enables me to guide you back to an important prior event or trauma.
Self-Love: Importance of Loving You
Do you like yourself? Do you love yourself? Strange questions perhaps but an important ones. Self-love is an important part of good mental health.
Past Life Therapy: Benefits and More
Unlike a full past life regression, Past Life Therapy is an abbreviated and symptom specific methodology for healing and renewal.
Self-Esteem: Ideas and Tips
Having healthy level s of self-esteem gives you the confidence and ability to operate to your full potential and perhaps even true greatness.
GHP Mental Health Awards 2023
I am delighted to tell you that I have been nominated for the Global Health & Pharma Mental Health Awards 2023 in the category of Best Past Life Specialist.
Growth Club. Club for Hypnotherapists
I am a member of a Growth Club specifically for Hypnotherapists run by Sheila Granger. She is dedicated to helping other hypnotherapists to develop themselves.
Hunt for Happiness Week. You Happy?
Are you looking for happiness? Right now? Generally? It’s not the easy question it seems at first. So, you might say, “I am OK.”. But is being OK good enough?
World Hypnotism Day: History and Uses
World Hypnotism Day is a day to help dispel the myths and misconceptions around Hypnotherapy and to promote it as the powerful technique that it really is.