
Spirit Animals

Do you know what your spirit animal is? In some spiritual traditions or cultures, a spirit animal refers to a spirit which guides or protects you on a journey or through life. It is also a creature whose characteristics you shares or embodies.

The idea of spirit animals / guides is particularly prominent in indigenous, especially Native American, religions and cultures. Within the indigenous cultures the idea is that a spirit animal literally guides and protects you and can be represented on totems. In recent years, these have increasingly been adopted by the spiritual movement. With the spiritual traditions this idea can be more metaphorical.

The idea of spirit animals have increasingly come into the mainstream and often indicates an affinity or appreciation of that animal. It has also become a humorous idea where people say there spirit animals are things other than animals – favourite food, drink or other person. For example, a commenter on a blog about the AMC television show Mad Men posted “Peggy Olson is my spirit animal”. Peggy being a strong female lead character in the series.

This has also spawned any number of online quizzes that help you to identify your spirit animal. While this may identify an animal you have a strong connect with, these lack any spiritual input.

Modern spiritualism has the idea of spirit guides. These are not always of human or animal origin. Some spirit guides are persons who have lived many former lifetimes, paid their karmic debts, and have advanced beyond a need to reincarnate. Perhaps living as energy, in the cosmic realm, or as light beings, which are very high level spirit guides.

Is this something you are interested in? If so, I have created a guided mediation to take you on a journey to discover your spirit animal. It’s free and is available on my tube channel.




I am sure you know I believe in reincarnation. Being an expert in past life regression I would have to be.  Basically, reincarnation (also known as rebirth or transmigration) is the idea that a non-physical part of a living being (soul or spirit) begins a new life in a different form or body after death.

Many religions and belief systems support the idea of reincarnation. For example, it is a central tenet of many of the religions of the Indian sub-continent such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. It is also common in many pagan, as well as indigenous Americans and Australian, religious groups. And, although not a central tenet, reincarnation is a belief within many streams of modern Judaism.

The majority of Christian and Islamic denominations do not believe that individuals reincarnate. However, there are exceptions such as the Rosicrucians, the Druze and the Cathars. Regardless of specific beliefs in reincarnation, almost all religions believe in some form of afterlife – with god / in paradise or perhaps somewhere or something worse. Meaning that some part of ourselves continues beyond this lifetime.

Now this brings us to the idea of Karma. Essentially, the idea of cause and effect – your intent and actions in this life (cause) influences the future or future lives (effect). So, lead a good life and you may be wealthy in a future life. If you don’t you may come back as an insect. The Jamaican born English professional footballer and manager, John Barnes summarises this very well when he said, “My mother made me believe in reincarnation, in karma. If I live a good life, I believe I will be reincarnated as a higher being. If I live a bad life, I believe I will be reincarnated as a lower being”.

A belief in reincarnation was held by ancient Greek scholars such as Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato. Also, despite the Roman Empire being converted to Christianity, they were several religious groups within it that believed in reincarnation.

In recent years the idea of reincarnation has become popular in Europe and North America and it is often referenced in contemporary media and literature. Indeed it’s common to hear someone say, “I must have been a… in a previous life” to explain some personal trait or skill. And there may be some real evidence for this. Willie Nelson (American country musician) said, “I started out really young, when I was four, five, six, writing poems, before I could play an instrument. I was writing about things when I was eight or 10 years old that I hadn’t lived long enough to experience. That’s why I also believe in reincarnation, that we were put here with ideas to pass around”.

Now the really exciting news is that it is possible to explore these past lives using past life regression. This can provide fascinating information about the origins of current personality traits as well helping to provide healing and forgiveness for past issues and traumas. If you are interested then contact me.


Akashic records

Some religions and spiritual beliefs have the idea of a repository of all events that have ever, or will ever, happen. Commonly known as the Akashic (the Sanskrit word Akasha means ether, atmosphere or sky) records, they are a collection of all the events, thoughts, words, emotions to have occurred in the past, present, or future anywhere in the universe. And not just for humans, but for all entities and life forms.

In contrast to traditional secular ideas, thoughts and consciousness are not a by-product of the brains function, but have their own objective and universal reality independent of the physical. And it is this that is stored in the Akashic records.

It is thought that this fantastic resource is housed in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. This is a plane of thought and so can only be accessed through using your mind with techniques such as hypnosis or mediation.

So using hypnosis and other modalities you can explore the Akashic records and discover past lives, future lives or insight into your current life. Archives and records can be a tremendous source of information and can bring meaning to what you have or are experiencing. As Antony Beevor (British Historian) put it, “I get slightly obsessive about working in archives because you don’t know what you’re going to find. In fact, you don’t know what you’re looking for until you find it”.

The term was adopted in Western spiritualism in the late 19th century. It was first introduced to the theosophical world by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Russian author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875) who characterised it as a type of life force. She also referred to “indestructible tablets of the astral light” recording both the past and future of human thought and actions.

This was later referenced and built upon by a number of academics and theosophical scholars. Henry Steel Olcott was an American military officer, journalist, lawyer, Freemason and the co-founder and first president of the Theosophical Society. Olcott wrote that “Buddha taught two things are eternal, ‘Akasa’ and ‘Nirvana’: everything has come out of Akasa in obedience to a law of motion inherent in it, and, passes away. No thing ever comes out of nothing.”

Charles Webster Leadbeater was a member of the Theosophical Society, Co-Freemasonry, author and co-initiator of the Liberal Catholic Church. He identified the Akashic records by name as something a clairvoyant could read. In his 1913 book ‘Man: Whence, How and Whither’, he claimed it recorded the history of Atlantis and other civilizations as well as the future society of Earth in the 28th century.

Alice Ann Bailey was a writer on theosophical subjects and was one of the first writers to use the term New Age. In her book ‘Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Book 3 – Union achieved and its Results (1927) she wrote, “The Akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Herein lies the great deception of the records. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire”.

So if you’d like to know more about Akashic records and past lives then contact me.



Abraham–Hicks’ teachings are a popular belief system about our existence and the universe, especially among followers of Spiritualism and New Age ideas. Esther Hicks is an American Channeler, Public Speaker and Author. She has co-written several books with her late husband, Jerry Hicks, on the Law of Attraction and Abraham-Hicks teachings.

When channelling Hicks has frequently encountered an entity calling itself Abraham. This was first documented by Esther and Jerry Hicks in to 1980s. Many of Esther Hicks’ books are regarded as “translated from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham”. Hicks also describes these experiences as tapping into an “infinite intelligence”.

Through Hicks, Abraham has also said, “We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions.” And that, whenever one feels moments of great love, exhilaration, or pure joy, that is the energy of Source and that is who Abraham is. Source is the source energy from which we are all derived.

These teachings and philosophies are known as Abraham – Hicks teachings. Key elements of these teachings are that people create their own reality through their attention and focus. Also that emotions are a person’s guidance system that indicates how close or distant they are to how their Source feels about a particular topic of focus.

Another key part is that we are all the physical extensions of the non-physical entities. And Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (French Philosopher) put it very well when he said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”.

Other parts of Abraham–Hicks’ teachings are:
• People are in their bodies because they chose to be.
• The basis of life is freedom; the purpose of life is joy; the result of life is growth.
• People are creators; they create with their thoughts and attention.
• Whatever people can imagine clearly with emotion, by creating a perfect vibrational match, is theirs to be, do, or have.
• Individuals choose their creations as they choose their focus.
• Emotions indicate what people are creating, either consciously or unconsciously.
• The universe adores people; it knows their broadest intentions.
• Individuals are invited to happily relax into their natural well-being and know that all is well.
• Life is not meant to be a struggle, but a process of allowing.
• People are creators of “throughways” on their unique “paths of joy”.
• Desirable physical manifestations such as money, relationships, and lifestyle success are by-products of focusing on joy.
• Individuals may depart their body without illness or pain.
• People cannot die; their lives are everlasting. Death of the physical body does not end the life of the individual.
• The nature of the universe is life-affirming. It is infinite, creative and expanding.
• All desire can be fulfilled – anything you can imagine is yours to be, do, or have.
• Individuals are not only a part of the universe, but are the very source of it.
• As you are choosing your thoughts, your emotions are guiding you.

A large part of Hicks’ work centres around the Law of Attraction, a concept which William Walker Atkinson (American pioneer of the New Thought movement) wrote about in his book Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World (1906). Esther Hicks has been interviewed about the Law of Attraction and Abraham by Oprah Winfrey in 2019. 



Law of Attraction

Don’t worry, I am not about to talk to you about finding your perfect partner. Well, I am, as it happens, but not directly.

We are all where we are now because of our thoughts and actions in the past. And, we are constantly processing and thinking either consciously or subconsciously. The problem is we are often thinking more about things we don’t want rather than things we do want. It is understandable to sometimes have thoughts or concern about things that haven’t even happened yet. But this is largely unproductive and can even be damaging. Wouldn’t it be better to think about the exciting and wonderful things that you have or want?

When you dwell on unhappy or unpleasant things from your past, it means you aren’t feeling happy right now, which creates a depressing future. But we can attract whatever we want in life. Be it happiness, wealth, health, the perfect weight, love, and a wonderful relationships. This is called the Law of Attraction, a concept which William Walker Atkinson (American pioneer of the New Thought movement) wrote about in his, 1906, book ‘Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World ‘.

Now, our mind can be our best friend but it can also be our worse enemy. I have written before about self-sabotage. If we don’t control our mind and dwell on negative thoughts and feelings, it’ll become our worst enemy because it’ll manifests an unhappy future.

But, when we learn to control our minds more, it becomes our best friend and then we can start to create a positive future. Everyone has a mixture of happiness and sadness in their lives, but, remember, life is not happening to you, life is responding to you.

The process of Law of Attraction combine cognitive reframing techniques with affirmations and creative visualisation to replace self-limiting or destructive (negative) thoughts with empowering, adaptive (positive) thoughts.

Cognitive reframing is the process by which we change the way we look at a situation. It’s a cliché but, for example – when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Cognitive reframing can work both ways though. Namely reframing to make something positive or reframing to make something negative. Imagine you meet a friend for a catch up after not seeing them for some time. You meet in a restaurant, have several drinks and a lovely meal. When the bill comes you friend insists on paying for everything. You feel happy and grateful to have such a great friend (positive view). But then you start thinking about how your friend has a well-paid job and how you sometimes struggle to make ends meet. Suddenly, you change the way that you think of this meal. Instead of a generous gift and a sign of friendship, you begin to think your friend thinks you are a charity case (negative view). This makes you angry, and you may begin avoiding your friend and hold resentment toward them.

Creative visualisation is the creation of autobiographical mental imagery. Essentially you visualise yourself in the desired circumstances (health, wealth, happiness, etc.). Combining these two techniques builds a powerful positive mind-set that will help you get what you want.

As Florence Scovel Shinn (American Artist) said, “Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement”.