Stress is common and can come from many sources. I wanted to focus in detail about what stress is and how to recognise the signs.
NHS Mental Health: Every Mind Matters
Recently the National Health Service (NHS) launched a mental wellbeing campaign called “Every Mind Matters” to improve or maintain your mental health.
Work Life Balance: Always Connected?
More of us are working from home. However, this has blurred the line between working time and leisure time. How is your work life balance?
World Mental Health Day: Raising Awareness
World Mental Health Day is 10 October. The objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and help mobilise efforts in support of it.
Uncertain Times. It’s Tough Out There
It seems we are living in uncertain times. I try to remain positive and not worry too much, but worrying is an aspect of who I am.
Stopober. Quit Vaping and Smoking
Stopober is the UK annual quit smoking campaign organised by Public Health England. It encourages smokers to attempt to stop starting on 1 October.
Workplace Mental Health First Aiders
I am a qualified Mental Health First Aider. The idea is to be a point of contact for anyone who is experiencing mental health issues or emotional distress.
Introspective Hypnosis: A Guide
Introspective Hypnosis is a very powerful, but gentle, technique. My experience over many therapies tells me that one session is often enough to provide relief.
You Tube Channel. New Social Media
As Mary Berry said, “Life is all about sharing. If we are good at something, pass it on.” As promised, I have set up a You Tube channel for my hypnotherapy.
Sessions in Afrikaans or English
As you will know if you have ever spoken to me, I was not born in the UK but South Africa. In addition to English, I also speak Afrikaans.