
Pollock Twins

John Pollock was born in 1920 and was raised as a Protestant before converting to Catholicism. Florence Pollock grew up as a member of the Salvation Army and converted to Catholicism when marrying John. Despite his Christian faith, John believed strongly in reincarnation. John told interviewers that he would pray to God for evidence of reincarnation, proving himself right and the priests wrong.

The couple’s third child, Joanna Pollock, born in 1946, and was their first daughter. Then in 1951 their second daughter, Jacqueline, was born. At the age of three, Jacqueline fell into a bucket, which resulted in a permanent scar on her forehead over her right eye .She also had a roundish dark birthmark on the left side of her waist. The girls were inseparable and Joanna liked to ‘mother’ Jacqueline. She said she had a premonition she would never grow up, often saying, ‘I will never be a lady.’

On 7 May 1957, when Joanna was eleven and Jacqueline six, they were struck by a car while walking to church with a friend. Both were killed instantly and the incident made headlines throughout Britain.

Their parents were devastated, but while Florence tried to avoid thinking about the girls, John did not. On the day of the accident he experienced a vision of them in heaven. He also sensed their presence in a room of the house, and took to spending time there in order to be close to them.

He later said he felt the girls’ deaths had been ‘punishment from God’ for having prayed for proof of reincarnation. But he also felt that his prayer would be answered, with his daughters being reborn into the family. His wife rejected this notion and for a time this dispute threatened their marriage.

Florence became pregnant again, and John became convinced that Joanna and Jacqueline were about to reincarnate into the family as twins. Florence’s doctor predicted a single birth, based on foetal heartbeat and the lack of twins in either parent’s family history. Nonetheless, she gave birth to twin girls on 4 October 1958 (named Gillian and Jennifer). Jennifer had a birthmark that looked like Jacqueline’s scar, and a second birthmark on her waist, as Jacqueline did.

When the twins were about three, they were given a box of toys that had belonged to their deceased sisters. Gillian claimed the doll that had belonged to Joanna and Jennifer claimed the one that had belonged to Jacqueline. They both said the dolls had been gifts from Santa Claus and they had, indeed, been Christmas presents. When Gillian saw a toy clothes-wringer that had also been a ‘Santa Claus’ present to Joanna, she said, ‘There is my toy wringer’, adding that Santa had brought it. The girls argued over none of the toys.

Florence Pollock occasionally overheard Gillian and Jennifer discussing the details of the accident. Once she came across Gillian cradling Jennifer’s head, saying, ‘The blood’s coming out of your eyes. That’s where the car hit you’. Gillian once pointed to Jennifer’s forehead birthmark and said, ‘That is the mark Jennifer got when she fell on a bucket’. On another occasion, when the girls complained about the lunch they were having at home, their mother said they could have lunch at school. They answered, ‘We’ve done that before.’ This was not true of Gillian and Jennifer, but had been true of Joanna and Jacqueline.

Pioneering reincarnation researcher Ian Stevenson investigated the case after learning about it through newspaper coverage. Stevenson, who studied many pairs of twins who remembered past lives, concludes that the Pollock twins’ case very compelling. This, together with that of another pair of monozygotic twins, Indika and Kakshappa Ishwara, provides some of the strongest evidence in favour of reincarnation.

So, who were you in a previous life? To find out using past life regression then contact me.


Patrick Christenson

Patrick Christenson was born in Michigan in 1991. His mother immediately felt that he was connected to her first son, Kevin, who had died of cancer, aged two, in 1979. Over time she came to notice that Patrick displayed three defects that matched those of her other son when he died.

Her first son began to limp when he was eighteen months old. One day, he fell and broke his left leg. This led to a medical examination that included a biopsy of a nodule on his scalp above his right ear. He was then diagnosed with stage four cancer which had spread significantly. A bone scan showed many abnormalities and his left eye was protruding and bruised due to a tumour.

He started chemotherapy through an intravenous catheter in the right side of his neck.  This was outpatient treatment but he returned to the hospital five months later. He appeared blind in his left eye and had a fever. He was prescribed antibiotics and was discharged from hospital. Sadly, he died two days later, just three weeks after his second birthday.

Kevin’s parents separated before his death and his mother remarried. She had given birth to a daughter and son before Patrick was born. At birth, he had a slanted birthmark with the appearance of a small cut on the right side of his neck, the same location of Kevin’s intravenous line, a nodule on his scalp above his right ear as Kevin’s biopsied tumour had been, and an opacity in his left eye. This was diagnosed as a Corneal Leukoma that caused him, like Kevin, to have poor vision in that eye. When he began walking, he limped, favouring his left leg.

Later, when Patrick was four-and-a-half years old, he began telling his mother things that seemed to relate to Kevin’s life. He talked about wanting to go back to their previous home and told his mother that he had left her there. He said that the home was orange and brown, which was correct. He asked his mother if she remembered him having surgery, and when she replied that he had not had any surgery, he said that he had and pointed to the area above his right ear where Kevin had his nodule biopsied. He also said that he did not remember the actual surgery because he was asleep when it was done. At another time, Patrick saw a picture of Kevin, whose pictures were not normally displayed in the family’s home, and said that the picture was of him.

Concerned by these statements, his mother contacted Carol Bowman, an author who has written several books about children who talk about previous lives. Carol offering guidance on how to deal with the past-life issues and eventually referred the case for investigation by Jim Tucker, along with Ian Stevenson from the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) of the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine.

Their investigation included documenting Patrick’s birthmarks.  as well as his eye condition and apparent limp. They also observed the opacity in Patrick’s left eye and obtained copies of the eye exams he had received. They saw him walk and could see that he had a slight limp, despite having no medical condition that would explain it. They then obtained Kevin’s medical records, and they documented the history described earlier, including the lesions that did correspond to Patrick’s subsequent birthmarks.

So, who were you in a previous life? To find out using past life regression then contact me.


Christian Haupt

Christian Haupt was born in Laguna Blanca, California in August 2008. From an early age he was obsessed with baseball. Ever since he was a toddler he practiced constantly and insisted on wearing a baseball uniform all the time. This was a surprise to his parents who were not fans of the sport. In terms of skill, he is regarded as a child prodigy. 

According to Christian’s mother, Cathy Byrd, he remembered being a ‘tall baseball player’, that he’d played for the New York Yankees and that the legendary Babe Ruth (1895 –1948) had been mean to him. Christian also described details about major-league baseball in the 1920s and 30s which proved to be accurate. It appears that Christian had been Lou Gehrig. Gehrig was a contemporary of Babe Ruth’s and had a longstanding feud with him.

Christian had also said that his ‘body stopped working’.  The legendary New York Yankee, Gehrig, was diagnosed with ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), a debilitating neurological disease and died two years later in 1941.

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However, his mother has published two different versions of how she discerned that her son had been Lou Gehrig.  In a newspaper article in 2014,  she quotes him as saying that he had played for the New York Yankees and his favourite position was first base (Gehrig’s position), and added that she had shown him a picture of Gehrig and another man. 

But in her 2017 book (The Boy Who Knew Too Much: An Astounding True Story of a Young Boy’s Past-Life Memories) about him and her own regression-based claim to have been Ruth’s mother, Byrd writes that when shown a group picture of the team, Christian picked out Gehrig and said ‘That’s me.’  Sadly, neither version contains the details found in the other. 

Nonetheless, Christian is an extremely talented Baseball player. At the age of just two he had a baseball playing cameo in the Adam Sandler comedy movie “That’s My Boy.” And, aged just four, he threw the ceremonial first pitch before the game before between the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium in September 2012.

I am an award winning Past Life Regression specialist. If this is something you are interested in then contact me.

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Will (not his actual name) was born in the American Midwest in 1980. Unusually, he claims to remember as many as thirty past lives. Like General George Patton almost always as a soldier of some sort and remembers lives from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, the American Civil War and both World Wars.

Also, untypically for an adult, his memories come to him in a waking state about 80% of the time. He also can obtains them by clearing his mind (15%) or in dreams around 5% of the time. 

As a child, he had no explanation for the images and sensations that sometimes came to him. Around the age of eighteen, he learned about reincarnation and realised that they maybe past-life memories. The first he still recalls, aged six, was an unbearable smell he knew at the time was ‘the smell of death’, and which he associated with the ‘skeleton people’, he saw in his nightmares.

His case was investigated by Karen M Wehrstein – a journalist, novelist, reincarnation researcher and one of the Psi Encyclopedia’s most prolific writers. It was published as an adult reincarnation case with multiple solved lives: Recalling Wilhelm Emmerich. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 83/1 1-17. Wehrstein, K.M. (2019).

Examination of the historical records showed that Bavarian-born Wilhelm Emmerich (1916-1945) became an Oberscharführer (senior squad leader) with the Schutzstaffel (SS). He was assigned to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and was later transferred to the Bergen-Belsen camp in April 1945, just prior to its liberation. He died there of typhus 25 May of that year, leaving a wife and son.

It details vivid and accurate memories of events which were later verified, as well as behavioural signs such as a fascination with Nazi insignia despite parental disapproval, and some physical signs related to a gunshot wound Emmerich suffered.  He was shot by a female prisoner in the undressing room of crematorium II in Birkenau

During her interviews with Wehrstein, he said, “First was a memory of shooting a man in the back who was running away, second was standing in a room with white walls which was filled with people, hearing two shots and turning to see what had happened and feeling a searing pain in my right leg (it felt like someone had put a hot pipe across my leg—it burned) and then the lights going out. … I also remembered my name was Wilhelm, and I was about 98% certain I had worked at Auschwitz”.

I am an award winning Past Life Regression specialist. If this is something you are interested in then contact me.


Barbro Karlén

Annelies “Anne” Marie Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929. When she was four and a half, her family moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands, after the Nazi Party gained control of Germany. By May 1940 the Frank family, being of Jewish origin, were trapped in Amsterdam by the German occupation of the Netherlands. So, they decided to hide from them. She kept a diary in which she documented everyday life in hiding under Nazi occupation. She is one of the most-discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust. She gained fame posthumously when in 1947 her father, Otto Frank – the only surviving member of the family, had published a book called The Diary of a Young Girl.

>In 1954 Barbro Karlén (later Barbro Ask-Upmark) was born in Sweden. At about the age of three years Barbro told her parents that her name was in fact Anne Frank. Although well known, her parents did not know who Anne Frank was. She went so far as to say that she would not call her parents mum and dad as they were not her real parents. She also told her mother that her real parents would soon be coming to take her home. Confused her parent concluded this that just the fantasies of a young girl.

Soon after, Barbro began to have nightmares. She would describe men running up the stairs kicking in the door and finding her hiding.  She also developed a phobia of men in uniforms. At this point her parents were concerned enough about her mental health that they had her examined by a psychiatrist. This made Barbro realised that it was a bad idea to talk about the past life she lived as Anne Frank as she didn’t want others to think she was crazy. She couldn’t understand why people became uncomfortable and tense when she talked about her memories.

At around the age of eight her teacher began talking about Anne Frank in her class at school. She couldn’t understand how her teacher could possibly know anything about Anne Frank because she was Anne Frank. It was only now that she began to understand that Anne Frank was a well-known person.

At the age of ten her parents took her on holiday in Europe and visited Amsterdam. Wanting to visit the Anne Frank Museum, Barbro’s father was about to call a taxi but she told him that he didn’t need to as it was within walking distance.  And within ten minutes they were outside the museum.

While there Barbro was able to identify that the main staircase had changed. She also had a strong physical and emotional reaction as they looked at the family’s hiding place. While looking at one of the walls, Barbro had said, “Look the pictures of the film stars are still there”. But her mother could only see a blank wall. Confused, her mother asked a guide whether this wall at one time had pictures on it. The guide told her that there were pictures but they had been taken down so that they can be protected and preserved.

Like Anne, Barbro was a child prodigy writer. Her first book of poetry and essays was published when she was just twelve years old and remains popular in Sweden to this day. By the time she was sixteen she had published eleven books.

Barbro also recounted being introduced to the actor Buddy Elias, Anne Frank’s first cousin and last living relative, by her publisher. Neither were told who they were about to meet, and they recognised each other immediately.  He supported her claim despite harsh criticism, and the two remained close. In an autobiographical work, ‘And the Wolves Howled’, Barbro tells the story of the visit Amsterdam as a child with her family.

I am an award winning Past Life Regression specialist. If this is something you are interested in then contact me.


Robert Snow

Indianapolis Police Captain Robert Snow, for a dare, went to a past life regression specialist. Sceptical, he did not believe in reincarnation and doubted if he could be hypnotised, so he did not expect to experience anything at all. To his surprise he saw clear scenes of himself as a 19th Century portrait painter and in one especially vivid experience saw himself painting a woman with a hunchback in a green dress.

This experience set him on a quest to find out who this painter was that he saw in this past life. First, he analysed the audio tape of his regression and noted down all the facts and details that could be researched. There were 28 in total.

Second, if he could find the painting, he would know who the artist was. As an experienced policeman he thought he would find this painting in just a few days. But days turned to weeks and then to months. A year after his regression, while on vacation with his wife, Melanie, in New Orleans, he visits an art gallery in the French Quarter. While there he saw the portrait he had been looking for.

He explains what happened next, “For the next several minutes, I didn’t move from in front of the portrait, but instead continued closing my eyes to see again and again the scene of me painting this very portrait in my studio, and then opening my eyes to see the actual finished portrait. The situation began to feel surreal, more like a very vivid dream you wake up sweating from, a dream you have to keep telling yourself over and over again was only a dream”.

He began to doubt himself, “Finally, even though I knew with absolute certainty that this was the same painting I had seen while under hypnosis, I convinced myself that stumbling onto it by accident was simply too bizarre to be true. I toyed with the idea for a few moments that perhaps I’d had some kind of stroke and just thought I stood in front of this portrait, when in actuality I was in a hospital bed somewhere or maybe even in a nursing home. After giving this possibility a few moment’s consideration, I realized how very desperate I had become to find a rational answer for what was happening. But desperate or not, things like this just didn’t happen in real life”.

Then he reflected on his good fortunate, “What were the chances, after all the months of systematic searching, that I would just happen onto the painting like this? What were the chances that Melanie would just happen to want to go to New Orleans, and that we would just happen to visit this gallery, just when they happened to have this painting for sale?”

It turned out that the artist was James Carroll Beckwith (1852 to 1917). An American landscape and portrait artist, he had painted the likes of Mark Twain (American Writer and Humourist) and Theodore Roosevelt (26th President of the United States).

Captain Snow was able to research Beckwith’s life from various sources including a diary Beck had left. Of the 28 specific details he had documented from the regression, he was able to verify 26 of them. Snow states that the evidence he has compiled would stand up in court. He documents this evidence in his book, ‘Looking for Carroll Beckwith’, published in 1999.

I am an award winning Past Life Regression specialist. If this is something you are interested in then contact me.

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Gus Taylor

Imagine you are changing you young sons diaper and he says, “Y’know, when I was your age I used to change your diaper”. Well, this is actually what happened to Ron Taylor, the father of, then eighteen month old, Gus Taylor.

This would be just the first of many such strange instances where young Gus would know things about his grandfather’s life. He seems to genuinely remember his past life as his own grandfather, August. The young Gus was named after his grandfather who had died just a year before he was born. And whenever anybody brought up his grandfather, little Gus would always ask if they were talking about him.

When he was four years old his grandmother died and his parents brought home a photo album. Despite never having seen his grandfather, Gus was able to point him out in pictures. He also correctly identified his grandfather first car. During one family dinner Gus was asked if his grandfather had any siblings. Now this was potentially a trick question. But, Gus said he had a sister who passed away. As Gus put it, “Yeah she turned to a fish, she died, some bad guys”.

This statement left his father in shock as this death had happened long before Gus was born and was a family secret. Indeed, Gus’s grandfather’s sister was murdered and dumped in the San Francisco Bay. Perhaps he saying she was a fish was his way of expressing that she was found in San Francisco Bay.

Over time Gus was able to share so much information about his grandfather’s life that his parents became convinced that he was the reincarnation of his own grandfather.  At one point he said, “You know mum, when we die we get to come back. I used to be big and now I am a kid again”. Young also Gus explained that God had given him a ticket and by using it he was able to come back to life as his own grandson.

The story of Gus Taylor is briefly covered in the (UK) Channel 5 Documentary called ‘Extraordinary People: The Boy Who Lived Before’. In 2006 Dr. Jim Tucker of the DOPS investigated the case of Cameron Macaulay. Although having lived exclusively in Glasgow, Scotland, Cameron had memories of a past life on Barra, an island in the Outer Hebrides. He also mentions Gus’s story. Interestingly, both boys recount falling through a ‘hole’ or ‘porthole’ from one life to the next.

I am an award winning Past Life Regression specialist. If this is something you are interested in then contact me.

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Cameron Macaulay

Cameron Macaulay was born in August 2000 in Glasgow, Scotland. Despite living there his entire life at the age of two he started to describe a white house that overlooked the beach on the Scottish island of Barra. Barra is a remote island in the Outer Hebrides some 200 miles from Glasgow.

This white house, he claimed, was his home is a past life. It was close to a beach that airplanes would often use as a landing strip. And, indeed, the airport at Barra is one of the most unusual in the world, with flights landing on the beach at Cockle Strand at low tide. He would also speak about a little black and white dog that lived with him and who he missed.  A further detail he recounted was that the house had three toilets which he found quite odd.

Over time Cameron revealed more details about his previous life on Barra. He said his father’s name was Shane Robertson who was killed when a car ran over him. He also spoke about his former brothers and sisters, but this would sometime upset him. He said he wished his mother would come and see him.

He had no memories of adulthood or dying and apparently only remember being a boy a little older than himself. However, he did recall that he ‘fell through’ a hole somehow connected to the white house and came into his mother’s ‘tummy’. He said, “I was in Barra and now I’m here”.

Cameron’s parents contacted Dr Jim Tucker of the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS). The story was also picked up by a film company who wanted to film a documentary about Cameron and his story. So, in 2006, Tucker investigated the case of Cameron Macaulay as part of the (UK) Channel 5 Documentary called ‘Extraordinary People: The Boy Who Lived Before’.

Tucker’s investigation took him firstly to Glasgow to interview the then six-year-old and his mother, Norma. He then agreed to accompany Cameron and his family to the island to see if this house existed. Once there, Cameron was able to recognise many different areas of the island. However, locating the house proved challenging. But with the help of a local historian they were able to find reference to the Robertson family and their house at the north end of the island.

Upon their arrival at the house, Cameron immediately recognised the gate at the front. He walked through the house pointing out all the rooms in the house including the three toilets. Further research managed to discover Gillian Robertson who had lived in the house in the past. She confirmed that a black and white Border Collie dog lived with them.  However, Gillian did not recall a Shane Robertson or any deaths in her family during that time.

In addition to the work of Jim Tucker and DOPS, the Society for Psychical Research have a detailed account of Cameron Macaulay on their Psi Encyclopaedia website.

I am an award winning Past Life Regression specialist. If this is something you are interested in then contact me.


Guide to Past Life Regression

I have an exciting announcement in the realm of self-exploration and personal growth. As promised, I am thrilled to introduce you to a free comprehensive guide to Past Life Regression I have written. In this guide, I explore the fascinating process of Past Life Regression from beginning to end, shedding light on its potential for profound healing, self-discovery, and spiritual transformation.

Through Past Life Regression, you can gain profound insights into your current life challenges, relationships, and behavioural patterns. Exploring past lives often reveals connections between past and present, shedding light on the root causes of fears, phobias, traumas, and recurring patterns.

These insights and realisations provide opportunities for healing, growth, and personal transformation. As Kofi Annan (Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh secretary-general of the United Nations), put it, “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family”.

Past Life Regression is not merely a journey of exploration; it also equips you with valuable tools for personal growth and transformation. By applying the insights and wisdom gained from past lives to your present life, you can make conscious choices, break patterns, heal wounds, and create a more fulfilling life.

Remember, Past Life Regression is not about proving the existence of past lives, but rather about utilising the therapeutic benefits it offers to enhance your present life. Embrace the opportunity, surrender to the process, and allow your soul to guide you on a captivating voyage of self-understanding and empowerment.

I invite you to join me on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation. My comprehensive guide to Past Life Regression will be your trusted companion, providing guidance, support, and profound insights every step of the way. Unveil the secrets of your soul and embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

The time has come. The gateways to the past are open. Are you ready to step through? Embrace the launch of my comprehensive guide to Past Life Regression and unlock the door to a world of profound self-discovery and healing. Your soul is calling—answer it’s whisper with the power of regression.

So, if you are interested in Past Life Regression, all you have to do it contact me and I will send you the guide, completely free of charge.

Tru Ade

Ryan Hammons

Ryan Hammons was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma in 2005. When Ryan was five years old he started to suffer from frequent nightmares and would wake in the night screaming and crying. After nearly a year of this without any obvious explanation, Ryan confessed that he used to a different person. His parents, being Baptists, were sceptical. But over time Ryan shared more and more detail about his previous life as a man who died more than 50 year early and lived in Hollywood, California.

This person had five marriages, two sisters, took lavish trips to Europe and once danced on Broadway. He also recalled running an agency where people frequently changed their names. But what really caught his mother’s attention was that he loved ‘Tru Ade’. This was an orange soda drink that had been discontinued in the 1980s.

Intrigued, his mother, Cindy, decided to do some research into this era of Hollywood. She showed Ryan a photo from a Mae West movie and he excitedly pointed to a man in the picture and said that was him. Sadly, the man was not credited in the photo. It was at this point that Cindy contacted Dr Jim Tucker of the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS), a research unit of the Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences of the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine. They consulted a film archivist who discovered that the unnamed actor in the photo was Marty Martyn, who had been an extra in the film.

The next step was to speak to Marty Martyn’s remaining family. He had one biological daughter as well as five stepchildren. This revealed that many of the statement Ryan had made about Marty’s life were correct. These included his five marriages, his siblings, how many children he had and even the street he lived on. He was even correct about Marty giving his, then six year old, daughter a dog that she didn’t like. It also explained the agency he ran that changed people’s name. It was talent agency and clients would often require a stage name.

In another session with Dr Tucker, Ryan asked why God would let him die at 61 only to come back as a baby. This seemed to be a discrepancy as his death report stated he was 59. But, research into census reports confirmed he was, in fact, 61 when he died and that he had shaved a few year off for vanity.

Marty Martyn was born Morris Kolinsky in1903 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  He moved to New York and working as a dancer and appeared in a Broadway production called ‘Gay Paree’ in 1925. Later he moved to Hollywood and changed his name. He only appeared in one movie, ‘Night After Night’ (1932). Although credited, his only line appeared to have been cut from the film. Later he started a successful Hollywood talent agency.

As Dr Tucker said, “We were able to piece together a picture of Marty Martyn’s life, and we could compare it to Ryan’s statements. In most of our cases, people have tried to see if a deceased person could be identified whose life matched the statements the child had made. Here, there was only one guy that Ryan could have been talking about, because he had pointed to him in a picture. We weren’t trying to see if there was anyone whose life matched Ryan’s statements; we were looking to see if Marty Martyn’s did”.

For a more complete view of this case see this article by the researcher Dr James G Matlock. If you would like to explore your past lives then contact me for more information.