
Pollock Twins

John Pollock was born in 1920 and was raised as a Protestant before converting to Catholicism. Florence Pollock grew up as a member of the Salvation Army and converted to Catholicism when marrying John. Despite his Christian faith, John believed strongly in reincarnation. John told interviewers that he would pray to God for evidence of reincarnation, proving himself right and the priests wrong.

The couple’s third child, Joanna Pollock, born in 1946, and was their first daughter. Then in 1951 their second daughter, Jacqueline, was born. At the age of three, Jacqueline fell into a bucket, which resulted in a permanent scar on her forehead over her right eye .She also had a roundish dark birthmark on the left side of her waist. The girls were inseparable and Joanna liked to ‘mother’ Jacqueline. She said she had a premonition she would never grow up, often saying, ‘I will never be a lady.’

On 7 May 1957, when Joanna was eleven and Jacqueline six, they were struck by a car while walking to church with a friend. Both were killed instantly and the incident made headlines throughout Britain.

Their parents were devastated, but while Florence tried to avoid thinking about the girls, John did not. On the day of the accident he experienced a vision of them in heaven. He also sensed their presence in a room of the house, and took to spending time there in order to be close to them.

He later said he felt the girls’ deaths had been ‘punishment from God’ for having prayed for proof of reincarnation. But he also felt that his prayer would be answered, with his daughters being reborn into the family. His wife rejected this notion and for a time this dispute threatened their marriage.

Florence became pregnant again, and John became convinced that Joanna and Jacqueline were about to reincarnate into the family as twins. Florence’s doctor predicted a single birth, based on foetal heartbeat and the lack of twins in either parent’s family history. Nonetheless, she gave birth to twin girls on 4 October 1958 (named Gillian and Jennifer). Jennifer had a birthmark that looked like Jacqueline’s scar, and a second birthmark on her waist, as Jacqueline did.

When the twins were about three, they were given a box of toys that had belonged to their deceased sisters. Gillian claimed the doll that had belonged to Joanna and Jennifer claimed the one that had belonged to Jacqueline. They both said the dolls had been gifts from Santa Claus and they had, indeed, been Christmas presents. When Gillian saw a toy clothes-wringer that had also been a ‘Santa Claus’ present to Joanna, she said, ‘There is my toy wringer’, adding that Santa had brought it. The girls argued over none of the toys.

Florence Pollock occasionally overheard Gillian and Jennifer discussing the details of the accident. Once she came across Gillian cradling Jennifer’s head, saying, ‘The blood’s coming out of your eyes. That’s where the car hit you’. Gillian once pointed to Jennifer’s forehead birthmark and said, ‘That is the mark Jennifer got when she fell on a bucket’. On another occasion, when the girls complained about the lunch they were having at home, their mother said they could have lunch at school. They answered, ‘We’ve done that before.’ This was not true of Gillian and Jennifer, but had been true of Joanna and Jacqueline.

Pioneering reincarnation researcher Ian Stevenson investigated the case after learning about it through newspaper coverage. Stevenson, who studied many pairs of twins who remembered past lives, concludes that the Pollock twins’ case very compelling. This, together with that of another pair of monozygotic twins, Indika and Kakshappa Ishwara, provides some of the strongest evidence in favour of reincarnation.

So, who were you in a previous life? To find out using past life regression then contact me.

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Laws of the Universe

Many people know about the law of attraction and I have written before about it before. But did you know is just one of twelve universal laws? Becoming more familiar with the other eleven can help us live a more spiritually life.

So, what are the twelve universal laws? Well, their exact origin is lost in history, but it’s thought they are intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that many ancient cultures realised and noted.

The laws draw on many sources including Ho’oponopono, a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Another source is the hermetic philosophy – a religious system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (a Hellenistic mixture of the Greek god Hermes and the ancient Egyptian god Thoth). As well as Eastern philosophies like Buddhism and Hinduism

Just like physical laws of the universe such as the laws of gravity, these laws were not invented but rather discovered by humans through their observations and experiences.  These ancient laws has withstood the test of time and many people around the world still work with it today.

These universal laws are always working in the world whether you are aware of them or not. So, not understanding them puts you at a disadvantage. They are like the rules of the game, so to speak. If you want to do well in the game, it helps if you know the rules. As Aldous Huxley (English writer and philosopher) put it, “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self”. People who live their lives with an awareness of these laws, and how they relate to each other, typically report feeling more confident, productive and reflective than others.

The 12 Laws of the Universe are:

  • Law of Divine Oneness,
  • Law of Vibration,
  • Law of Correspondence,
  • Law of Attraction,
  • Law of Inspired Action,
  • Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy,
  • Law of Cause and Effect,
  • Law of Compensation,
  • Law of Relativity,
  • Law of Polarity,
  • Law of Rhythm,
  • Law of Gender.

I intend to explore these in more detail in the coming months. In the meantime, if you have any questions then please contact me.


Forest bathing

I love being in nature. Whether it’s sitting in my garden or walking in a forest I find it very therapeutic and refreshing and it is an important part of my life. And I am not alone. The Japanese have the idea of Shinrin-yoku or Forest bathing. It’s basically, spending time in a forest or natural atmosphere and focusing on sensory engagement to connect with nature.

The sensory aspect is very important and it can involve using all five senses. Some examples of exercising this can include:

  • Listening to the sounds of the forest (birds and insects).
  • Touching and feeling the ground, the trees and the leaves.
  • Smelling the plants and trees.
  • Watching the forest, the breeze moving through it and the animals within it.
  • Tasting the crispiness of the air while breathing

While it started in Japan where 80% of people live in cities, it has spread to other parts of the world and it popular in America and Western Europe.

There are many reported benefits including:

·         Immune system booster. Experiments have shown that shinrin-yoku was associated with increasing levels of natural cells which are important in combating infection.

·         Mental health and mood improvement. Shinrin-yoku is linked to a recharging of positive energy, higher energy levels, and a purification of negative thoughts.

·         Decrease in blood pressure and stress. Studies have shown that it can decrease in pulse rate, blood pressure and concentration of the stress hormone cortisol.

In his series, Bill Bailey’s Australian Adventure, Bill (English musician, comedian and actor) shared his theory on nature, “Humans have an instinctive desire to connect with nature. And most of the time, we spend our lives indoors, in cars, buildings, and yet, we yearn to be out in all of this. What this is, is this thing, bio philia, our innate desire to be amongst nature. It’s part of our evolution. Our ancestors spent all their time out in nature. In our DNA we want this, we wanna be amongst this. This is where we feel more at home, in a way. And that is why I think that so many people here have this positive attitude in Western Australia, because of the proximity to the natural world. And bio philia, this innate sense of desire to be amongst nature, to connect with it, is really what it means to be human”.

Forestry England have produced a handy forest bathing guide. So, why not try spending a little time in nature and see how it can benefit you.


Guy Ballard

I wrote recently about Mount Shasta, the spiritual place in northern California. I thought I would write a little about an interesting character called Guy Ballard who is closely linked with this place.

Living at the base of the California volcano Mount Shasta in 1930, Ballard frequently hiked on the mountain. According to Guy Ballard, while hiking on Mount Shasta, he encountered a man who introduced himself as Count of St. Germain, who is said to have started Ballard on the path to discovering the teachings that would become the “I AM” Activity religious movement.

‘It came time for lunch, and I sought a mountain spring for clear, cold water. Cup in hand, I bent down to fill it, when an electrical current passed through my body from head to foot. I looked around, and directly behind me stood a young man who, at first glance, seemed to be someone on a hike like myself. I looked more closely and realised immediately that he was no ordinary person. As this thought passed through my mind, he smiled and addressed me saying:

“My Brother, if you will hand me your cup, I will give you a much more refreshing drink than spring water.” I obeyed, and instantly the cup was filled with a creamy liquid. Handing it back to me, he said: “Drink it”.

The young man later identified himself as the Count of St. Germain. Ballard provided details of his encounters with St. Germain and other Ascended Masters in the books Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, under the pen name Godfré Ray King. 

Guy Ballard, his wife Edna, and their son Edona Eros “Donald” Ballard claimed to be the sole “accredited messengers” of Saint Germain. Their teachings constitute the original nucleus of what are today called the “Ascended Master Teachings” and are still used in “I AM” places of worship all over the world.

According to the group’s teachings, ascended masters are believed to be individuals who have left the reincarnation cycle of re-embodiment. The “I AM” Activity Movement is the original ascended master teachings religious movement founded in the early 1930s by Guy Ballard and his wife Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard. It’s an offshoot of theosophy and a major forerunner of several New Age religions. The movement had up to a million followers by the late 1930s and is still active today albeit on a smaller scale. They are Christian and believe Jesus is one of the more important ascended masters.

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