Franz Anton Mesmer was one of the founding fathers of hypnotherapy. His theories and practices laid the foundation of a field that helps individuals globally.
Spiritual Law of Divine Oneness
A spiritual law that states that absolutely everything in our universe is interconnected. Every action, choice, word and belief has an impact on the world.
Cancer: How Hypnotherapy can Help
Hypnotherapy is a very effective in the treatment of cancer and its symptoms. It’s not a cure but is a complementary therapy that enhances treatment outcomes.
Psyche Resilience: Self-Healing
The psyche is the totality of the human mind, both conscious and unconscious, and is known for its self-healing qualities.
Guy Ballard: Spiritual Encounters and Mount Shasta
Guy Ballard, while hiking on Mount Shasta, he encountered a man who introduced himself as Count of St. Germain. He went on to found a spiritual movement.
Luke Humphries: Lifestyle Change
Luke Humphries has made lifestyle changes that transformed his life by overcome crippling anxiety and losing weight to make the most of his talents.
National Day Of Unplugging
The National Day of Unplugging is a day that encourages us to try a digital detox and not use our phones and computers for 24 hours to boost our mental health.
Dickens Technique: Visualising Choice
The Dickens technique is a way of visualising different choices. It’s useful when facing an important decision or as an intervention to force change.
The Principles of Spiritualism
The Spiritualists’ National Union, says spiritualism is based upon seven principles. These Principles a framework of ideas and ethics to base your life upon.
Will: Reincarnation in War
As a child, he had no explanation for the images and sensations that came to him. Later, he learned about reincarnation and realised they were past lives.