March is Caffeine Awareness month. Caffeine is a powerful, addictive stimulant – alertness inducing chemical. You need to be aware of it to monitor your intake.
Eating Disorder Week: Support & Help
Eating Disorder Awareness week. The mission is to provide help and support to those with eating disorders and end the suffering caused by it.
World Cancer Day: Close the Care Gap
The idea of World Cancer Day is to raise awareness, improve education and influence governments. Much of the suffering and many of the deaths are preventable.
National Heart Month: Look After It
February is National Heart Month. It’s about raising awareness of Heart Disease. Your heart is critically important to our health and wellbeing.
Procrastination: A Quick Guide
I have been meaning to write about procrastination for some time now, but haven’t got around to it. So, here it is. An introduction and guide.
Mindfulness: Benefits and Techniques
Mindfulness comes from Buddhist teachings and has four elements. These are Mindfulness of body sensations, feelings, state of mind and contents of our minds.
Obesity Awareness Week: Dieting & You
The excesses of Christmas are rapidly disappearing in the rear view mirror. Obesity Awareness Week is a good time to think about dropping a little weight.
Diabetes: How Hypnotherapy Can Help
Often with type two diabetes a change of eating habits and life style can help ease the symptoms. And this is where hypnotherapy can help you change things.
Fear of Needles? Use Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can change how you feel about the object of your phobia and your emotional response, such as needles and help you overcome it.
Social Media: Do You Need a Break?
Studies have shown that spending too much time on social media can increase feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. Consider having a break from it.