
Eating Disorders

I recently read a newspaper article about a girl in Yorkshire, England who had only eaten Yorkshire puddings (a baked pudding made from batter that’s similar to the American Popover) for seven years. If she tried to eat other foods they would make her feel physically sick and gag.  Interestingly, this eating disorder was overcome with the use of Hypnotherapy. So, I thought I would talk a bit about Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and how Hypnotherapy can help.

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, also known as selective eating disorder, is a condition where individuals avoid certain foods or food groups, or restrict their diet to a limited number of foods. This is more than picky eating or liking odd foods which is quite common especially in children. Also, unlike some restrictive eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, it does not relate to body image concerns.

The exact causes of ARFID remain unclear, but past trauma, excessive sensory sensitivity and a fear of negative consequences related to food (such as choking) all are thought to contribute. It’s more common in children, although it can affect anyone of any age, including babies. Also, those on the autism spectrum conditions, ADHD, and intellectual disabilities seem more likely to develop it.

It’s important for all of us, and especially children, that we eat a well-balanced diet. The health effects of ARFID can include inadequate weight, poor growth, electrolyte abnormalities, and delays in physical and mental development.

Those with this disorder can respond very well to hypnosis and counselling directed at the underlying cause of their eating issues. A good place to start is to explore the original trigger / trauma, if possible. The hypnotherapy regression technique is very effective at this. Hypnotherapy can also be used to reimagining / reframe the event that triggered their issues with food. Hypnotherapy can also be used to change the perception of food including the taste or texture if this is also a factor.

The support of the wider family and especially the parents is also important. And Olivia Newton-John (British and Australian singer and actress) put this very well when she said, “Eating disorders are usually nothing to do with food. Parents need to be with their child to see them through it. All the therapists in the world can’t help if the parents aren’t present, loving, and proactive”.

So, if you or someone you know has issues with food then Hypnotherapy can help. Contact me for more information.



I thought would talk a little about Ho’oponopono as it’s something I found a few months ago and it has really help me. It is a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. The Hawaiian word translates into English as ‘correction’ or to make things right. It roots are in the understanding that harmony and balance are essential.  It involves bringing harmony to relationships with others, ourselves, and the world around us.

Ho’oponopono is a fascinating healing method that focuses on forgiveness and reconciliation. At the centre of it is a four step practise or prayer – “I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you”. Specifically these terms have a deeper meaning.

  • I am sorry. Remorse: Acknowledging errors or mistakes.
  • Please forgive me. Forgiveness: Offering forgiveness to oneself and others.
  • I love you Love: Fostering love and compassion for all involved.
  • Thank you: Gratitude. Express gratitude for the opportunity to heal.

The Ho’oponopono prayer is a method of forgiveness that clears blockages in your thoughts. It helps to cleanses and releases us from thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that separate us from universal energy. The teaching is that we create everything in our world, giving us the power to heal it.

When we disconnect from our divinity, we start to believe in things that are not love, such as fear, guilt, blame, judgment, and shame. This disruption in our energy flow leads to us manifesting unwanted things in our lives. As Louis Zamperini (American Olympic distance runner and a Christian Evangelist) put it, “Hate is self-destructive. If you hate somebody, you’re not hurting the person you hate. You’re hurting yourself. And that’s a healing. Actually, it’s a real healing, forgiveness”. Ho’oponopono corrects this energy disruption, returning us to wholeness, unity, and harmony.

So, Ho’oponopono invites us to take responsibility, seek forgiveness, and restore balance. It can helps release negative effects of memories and toxic energies. It allows us to find our true identity, place in the universe, and inner peace.


Law of Divine Oneness

I wanted to talk about another of the twelve spiritual laws of the universe, namely the Law of Divine Oneness. It is an important and foundational law which states that absolutely everything in our universe is interconnected. In other words every action, choice, word, desire, and belief you have will also have an impact on the world, and on the people in your life.

Sometimes this impact will be immediate and obvious. At other times, it may be more subtle or take a while to manifest. In fact, you may never discover that it has occurred although it will have had an effect on you. Try to think of yourself as part of everything around you to live in accordance with this law. We are all one, and this awareness makes us more powerful as well as more empathetic.

The key points about this foundational law are, of course, Interconnectedness but also with view to personal growth and empathy through having this universal perspective.  

Interconnectedness.  The Law of Divine Oneness teaches us that every aspect of existence is part of a vast, interconnected web. Even if it might seem otherwise, nothing exists in isolation. One way to picture this is to imagine everything in the universe as threads woven into an immense tapestry. Each thread affecting touches many other and contributes to the whole fabric.

Impact on Perspective and Empathy.  When we understand that our thoughts, actions, and events ripple through the cosmos, we become more conscious of our impact on others and our world as a whole.

Personal Growth and Global Consciousness.  It invites us to consider how our choices resonate beyond ourselves. As we align with this universal truth, our global consciousness expands, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility. Embracing the Law of Divine Oneness can lead to profound personal growth.

And while this is a spiritual belief, there is also a scientific foundation to it. As Erwin Schrodinger (Austrian physicist who developed the fundamentals of quantum theory), of the cat fame, said, “Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe”.

So, in summary, the Law of Divine Oneness invites us to recognise our interconnectedness with all of existence. By honouring this principle, we will contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.



If you have been lucky enough to not have been touched by cancer in your life so far then you have been very fortunate indeed. My mother died of brain tumour, my partner’s mother died of lung cancer and in the last few months we lost one of our beloved Maine Coon cats to cancer. It’s a horrible and seemingly relentless disease.  

As a Hypnotherapist I know that Hypnotherapy can be very effective in the treatment of cancer and its symptoms.  Sadly, it’s not a cure for cancer in itself but I have had success with clients using it as a complementary therapy that can enhance treatment outcomes.

Symptom Management. Hypnotherapy can alleviate many symptoms associate with cancer and its treatment, including pain and nausea. Also, Hypnotherapy can help you focusing your mind on positive suggestions and this can help with physical symptoms.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction. The idea is to address both the physical and emotional stress associated with cancer and its treatment. Specifically it can also be used to induce a state of deep relaxation, hypnotherapy can reduce anxiety, pain, and other symptoms. When you’re relaxed, your body’s stress response is minimized, allowing you to cope better with the emotional challenges of cancer

Enhanced Well-Being. The relaxation brought about by hypnotherapy contributes to overall well-being. As a result, it will improve your emotional state, enhance sleep quality, and have a positively impact your immune system.

Improved state of mind. Being diagnosed with cancer is a frightening and stressful experience. But have a positive state of mind can help both your physical and mental health. As Dave Pelzer (American Author) put it, “You can be a victim of cancer, or a survivor of cancer. It’s a mind-set”.

Of course, hypnotherapy should always complement conventional medical treatments. But while it’s not a replacement for evidence-based treatments, it can be a valuable supportive measure to enhance your quality of life before and during cancer care.

One upside to the pervasive nature of cancer is that there are a lot of charities and other organisations that can help you should you be diagnosed with it. This is one list of such organisations.

If you or someone you know is currently battling cancer and think that hypnotherapy can help, then contact me.