
World No Tobacco Day 

World No Tobacco Day is an annual awareness day observed on May 31st. It’s a global initiative to raise awareness about the health risks and downsides of tobacco use and advocate for policies to reduce tobacco consumption globally.

Smoking is incredibly harmful, is the single leading cause of cancer worldwide and is responsible for 70% of all cases of lung cancer. The CDC (Centre for Disease Control) estimates that 1 in 5 deaths in the United States are caused by smoking. It surpasses HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, car accidents and firearm related incidents combined. In addition to this, it has even been shown to accelerate aging. As David Byrne (Scottish Musician) put it, “The true face of smoking is disease, death and horror – not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray”.

Hypnosis is an effective technique to help you stop smoking. Now, quitting smoking can be difficult, but hypnotherapy addresses the psychological aspects of addiction and underlying motivations for smoking. So, if you’re considering quitting smoking, hypnosis could be a valuable tool in your journey toward a smoke-free life. So, how does it work?

Mind set shift. Hypnosis can shift in your perception of smoking. During a session, your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions and new ways of thinking. These might include statements like, “You are a non-smoker.”, “You find the taste of cigarettes unpleasant.”, “You feel proud of your decision to quit.” or “You have increased willpower to resist smoking”.

Addressing subconscious patterns. Smoking is a deeply ingrained in subconscious patterns. These patterns can include associations with certain situations, like after eating or during a break, or emotional triggers such as boredom of stress. Hypnosis will help you to modify these patterns by suggesting healthier alternatives and breaking the link between smoking and these cues.

Visualizations and imagery. Hypnosis can involve guided visualisations where I will encourage you to imagine scenarios where you successfully resist smoking or visualise the benefits of being smoke-free. These mental images will reinforce your commitment to quitting.

Anchoring new beliefs. Hypnosis will help anchor new beliefs about smoking. By repeatedly reinforcing positive suggestions, your subconscious mind begins to accept them as reality. Over time, this can lead to a genuine ability to quit smoking.

Reducing cravings: Hypnosis can help reduce cravings by altering your perception of cigarettes. For example, you might come to associate cigarettes with a foul smell or an unpleasant taste. This can make it easier to resist the urge to smoke.

Stress reduction. For many people smoking is a way to cope with stress. Hypnosis will teaches relaxation techniques and stress management strategies, providing healthier alternatives to smoking.

Remember that hypnosis is not a magic cure, and results will vary from person to person. Some individuals experience significant benefits, while others may need additional support alongside hypnotherapy. It’s essential to approach it with an open mind and a genuine desire to quit smoking. If this is you, then contact me.


The Law of Compensation

I thought I would talk about another one of the Spiritual Laws of the Universe – The Law of Compensation. Basically, according to it, you will receive what you put in. It states that everything we do creates an outcome equal to the effort we put in. It is similar to the universal law of cause and effect or the concept of karma. It is also related to the Law of Attraction, but instead with the idea that compensation can come in many forms. So, you reap what you sow and this reminds us to be careful about how you treat others and, indeed, the planet.

This universal principle implies that we are rewarded in direct proportion to the value we contribute to the universe and to others. It suggests that our actions, thoughts, and beliefs have consequences and, so, we receive back what we put into the world.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (American lecturer and philosopher) expressed this idea in his essay titled “Compensation,” which was first published in 1841. The essay is widely studied as an expression of Emerson’s philosophical beliefs about the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of living in harmony with the universe.

In it he reflects on the concept of compensation, emphasising that there is a balance or reciprocity in life. According to him, everything in the universe operates according to this principle: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is similar to Isaac Newton’s (English Mathematician, Physicist, Astronomer and Theologian) third law of motion, which states ‘when two objects interact, they exert equal and opposite forces on each other’.

Emerson said, “It is one of the beautiful compensations in this life that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself”. He saw compensation as a ray of divinity, a present action of the soul of the world, unencumbered by tradition. To him, it was eternal love conversing with what always was and always must be.

Those who understand and live their lives in accordance with this law experience a sense of balance and fulfilment, while those who do not may encounter frustration and disappointment. So, embrace the Law of Compensation, and recognise that your actions reverberate through the universe, shaping your reality.


Psyche Resilience

The Psyche is indeed a fascinating aspect of human experience. But what is it? Well in psychology, the psyche is the totality of the human mind, both conscious and unconscious. It encompasses our thoughts, emotions, and all the other intricate workings of our minds.

Having recently experienced some difficult times I know that it is also self-healing. The concept of self-healing within the psyche is fascinating to me. In moments of stress, trauma or adversity, our psyche often exhibits remarkable resilience. It’s like to a hidden force within us – a gentle whisper urging us to mend, adapt, and find a way through. Just as a wounded body heals, our psyche, too, seeks restoration.

I have written before about Third Man Syndrome – the phenomenon where people report situations where a presence, such as a spirit, provides comfort or support during a traumatic experience.

We are all mentally stronger than we realise and from time to time we are presented with a situation that proves it. Consider the following anonymous poetic reflection:

Psyche’s Resilience

In the labyrinth of our minds,

Where shadows dance and memories intertwine,

Lies a garden of resilience, evergreen,

Where Psyche tends to wounds unseen.

She weaves threads of hope and light,

Stitching broken pieces through the night,

Each tear, a testament to strength,

Each scar, a map of life’s journey’s length.

When storms rage and tempests howl,

Psyche gathers fragments, heart and soul,

Her touch, a balm for wounds that ache,

A whispered promise: “You’ll rise, awake.”

For within her chambers, secrets bloom,

Resilience sprouts—a fragrant bloom,

And though scars remain, etched in skin,

Psyche whispers, “Healing begins from within.”

So let us honour this self-healing grace,

Embrace our Psyche’s sacred space,

For in vulnerability, we find our might,

And Psyche dances on, bathed in light.

If you are struggling with mental health issues, don’t suffer in silence. There is help available. With Hypnotherapy, for example, you are able to examine your thought processes and beliefs. These can be the cause of emotional, physical, mental or even spiritual problems. Once identified, changes can be made to address these issues and improve your quality of life. To find out more, click here.


Boundaries Guide

I recently did a series of workshops about creating and maintaining healthy personal boundaries and I thought I would share some of the keys messages with you now.

The importance of setting healthy limits, understanding their own comfort zones, and recognising the impact of boundaries on overall well-being is critical. We all need to have a comprehensive understanding of personal boundaries and their impact on mental and emotional well-being. Being able to define and articulate your unique personal boundaries without confrontation is a very useful skill.

Do you have some insight into narcissistic personalities? Recognising manipulative tactics and emotional blackmail. Being able to safeguard your emotional well-being when interacting with narcissistic personalities can save a lot of heartache.

Personal anxiety can be a barrier to establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. Learning coping mechanisms, mindfulness techniques, and relaxation exercises can help you to empower you to manage anxiety effectively, thus promoting the establishment of robust personal boundaries.

Anger as a manifestation of breached boundaries is a real issue. Finding constructive ways to release anger, identify triggers, and channel their emotions positively is key. The goal is to empower yourself to handle anger in a healthy manner while reinforcing the importance of clear personal boundaries.

Having good self-awareness to identify unhealthy patterns such as of victimhood in our lives. Empowerment and resilience-building help to move towards breaking free from a victim mind set.

Forgiveness (both for others and ourselves) is a powerful tool for boundary setting. It can be liberating to forgive and shed emotional baggage, paving the way for the establishment of compassionate and firm boundaries.

Ensuring you practise self-care and self-love underpins good boundaries. Prioritise your well-being through intentional self-care routines and self-love rituals. This will reinforce your intrinsic worth and help you to establish boundaries that safeguard their mental, emotional, and physical health.

Finally, having a plan that is tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. This actionable plan ensure you have a practical roadmap for implementing and maintaining healthy boundaries in their daily lives.

Investing time and effort in developing strong boundaries is a fundamental act of self-care and personal growth. Unleash the power of boundaries –the subtle thread weaving through every aspect of your life; master it and watch your entire world transform.

Robert Frost (American Poet) said in his 1914 poem ‘Mending Wall’, “Good fences make good neighbours”. It’s such a powerful message that it’s become a proverb. Namely, that neighbours are best able to maintain positive relationships when they don’t intrude upon or harm each other.

I have prepared a useful guide to help establish and keep healthy boundaries. If you would like a copy, please contact me.