

Will (not his actual name) was born in the American Midwest in 1980. Unusually, he claims to remember as many as thirty past lives. Like General George Patton almost always as a soldier of some sort and remembers lives from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, the American Civil War and both World Wars.

Also, untypically for an adult, his memories come to him in a waking state about 80% of the time. He also can obtains them by clearing his mind (15%) or in dreams around 5% of the time. 

As a child, he had no explanation for the images and sensations that sometimes came to him. Around the age of eighteen, he learned about reincarnation and realised that they maybe past-life memories. The first he still recalls, aged six, was an unbearable smell he knew at the time was ‘the smell of death’, and which he associated with the ‘skeleton people’, he saw in his nightmares.

His case was investigated by Karen M Wehrstein – a journalist, novelist, reincarnation researcher and one of the Psi Encyclopedia’s most prolific writers. It was published as an adult reincarnation case with multiple solved lives: Recalling Wilhelm Emmerich. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 83/1 1-17. Wehrstein, K.M. (2019).

Examination of the historical records showed that Bavarian-born Wilhelm Emmerich (1916-1945) became an Oberscharführer (senior squad leader) with the Schutzstaffel (SS). He was assigned to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp and was later transferred to the Bergen-Belsen camp in April 1945, just prior to its liberation. He died there of typhus 25 May of that year, leaving a wife and son.

It details vivid and accurate memories of events which were later verified, as well as behavioural signs such as a fascination with Nazi insignia despite parental disapproval, and some physical signs related to a gunshot wound Emmerich suffered.  He was shot by a female prisoner in the undressing room of crematorium II in Birkenau

During her interviews with Wehrstein, he said, “First was a memory of shooting a man in the back who was running away, second was standing in a room with white walls which was filled with people, hearing two shots and turning to see what had happened and feeling a searing pain in my right leg (it felt like someone had put a hot pipe across my leg—it burned) and then the lights going out. … I also remembered my name was Wilhelm, and I was about 98% certain I had worked at Auschwitz”.

I am an award winning Past Life Regression specialist. If this is something you are interested in then contact me.

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