
The Spiritual Laws of the Universe

Spiritual Laws

Many people know about the spiritual law of attraction and I have written before about it before. But did you know it’s just one of twelve universal spiritual laws? Becoming more familiar with each spiritual law can help us live a more spiritual and fulfilled life.

So, what are the twelve universal spiritual laws? Well, their exact origin is lost in history, but it’s thought they are intrinsic, unchanging laws of our universe that many ancient cultures realised and noted.

Where Do They Come From

The laws draw on many sources including Ho’oponopono, a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Another source is the hermetic philosophy – a religious system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (a Hellenistic mixture of the Greek god Hermes and the ancient Egyptian god Thoth). As well as Eastern philosophies like Buddhism and Hinduism

Observation and Experience

Just like physical laws of the universe such as the laws of gravity, these laws were not invented but rather discovered by humans through their observations and experiences.  These ancient laws has withstood the test of time and many people around the world still work with it today.

These universal laws are always working in the world whether you are aware of them or not. So, not understanding them puts you at a disadvantage. They are like the rules of the game, so to speak. If you want to do well in the game, it helps if you know the rules.


As Aldous Huxley (English writer and philosopher) put it, “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self”. People who live their lives with an awareness of these laws, and how they relate to each other, typically report feeling more confident, productive and reflective than others.

The Twelve Laws

The twelve Spiritual Laws of the Universe are the law of:

  • Divine Oneness,
  • Vibration,
  • Correspondence,
  • Attraction,
  • Inspired Action,
  • Perpetual Transmutation of Energy,
  • Cause and Effect,
  • Compensation,
  • Relativity,
  • Polarity,
  • Rhythm,
  • Gender.

I intend to explore these in more detail in the coming months. In the meantime, if you have any questions then please contact me.

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