What is Hypnosis

What is Hypnosis?

There is a great deal of misunderstanding and, frankly, misperceptions around hypnosis. This is probably due to its use as entertainment and misleading portrayals in TV and film. Hypnosis when used in a clinical setting is called Hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a type of talking therapy in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility during which positive suggestions, metaphor and guided imagery are used to help individuals address a variety of concerns and issues, such as phobias, unwanted habits and other conditions. You remain in control the whole time and you can’t be hypnotised against your will. 

Is hypnosis Real?

In a word, yes. It has been used to treat a variety of conditions for many years. And clinical trials have shown it really works. It not a trick or some placebo effect, its real. 

Anyone can be hypnotised – Any age, race, gender or religious beliefs. The key thing is you are always in control and can only be hypnotised if you want to be. 

You may have heard of hypnosis being used to help people quit smoking or to lose weight, but it has many, many more uses than that. 

How Successful is it?

Very. Many successful business leaders, politicians, celebrities and sports men and women have use hypnosis to improve focus and performance. But it’s not just them, anyone can benefit from it. Being it breaking habits such as smoking, boosting confidence or addressing anxiety and stress. 

People such as Winston Churchill, Reese Witherspoon and Mozart have all used hypnosis and Hypnotherapy to help them or to overcome a challenge in their life. 

How does it work?

The mind has two main parts – a conscious part and a subconscious part. The conscious mind is what we are most familiar with. It processes our senses (such as sight and feel) and analyses information. The subconscious mind operates in the background and does all the automatic processes like breathing and well as other things we are not aware of such as healing. It is also where habits are ingrained.

Hypnosis can be used to bypass the conscious mind and talk directly to the subconscious. This can be used to implant positive suggestions. It allows you to quieten your conscious mind, through placing you to a deep level of relaxation. Once there positive suggestions can be made directly to the subconscious. The person under hypnosis will then act on these suggestions and make the positive changes that they want in their lives.

While under hypnosis, you are able to examine your thought processes and beliefs. These can be the cause of emotional, physical, mental or even spiritual problems. Once identified, changes can be made with hypnotherapy to address these issues.

What to Expect

The first of the process is to have an initial chat to get to know you better and understand the changes that you want to make. We will talk about why you want to make the change, the benefits it will bring to you and what has stopped you so far in making that changes to your life. I will then devise a treatment plan and outline what I propose and how many sessions will be required.

Then we have a session including hypnosis you will make yourself comfortable. I will then talk to you and guide you into a state of deep relaxation. You will not be asleep and will be conscious throughout. You will remain in control and can bring yourself out of hypnosis at any time. The experience should be an enjoyable one.  

Using the power of my voice, metaphor and imagery I will make the positive suggestions required to make the changes you want. Once this is done I will gently bring you out of hypnosis. We will then discuss your experience and how you feel. Feedback is always welcome.

What comedian Ross Noble thinks?

Comedian Ross Noble used Hypnosis to overcome his addiction to Diet Coke. In this exert from Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled from 2014 he explains how it worked from his point of view and explodes a few myths about Hypnotherapy at the same time. All done in his usual, unique style. 

Preparing for a Session

In order to get the most out a session I have some hints and tips for you. See my session preparation page for more details. 

Group Sessions

Hypnotherapy is traditionally carried out on a one to one basis. However, group hypnotherapy and one-on-one hypnotherapy each offer unique benefits, making them suitable for different situations and preferences. To find more information on the advantages and disadvantages see my group hypnotherapy page. 

More Information

Still have questions? No problem. I have a Frequently Asked Questions page about past life Regression. Or, failing that, contact me for more information. Group hypnotherapy and one-on-one hypnotherapy each offer unique benefits, making them suitable for different situations and preferences.