
Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

What is past life regression? Well, put simply it’s where a practitioner, typically a Hypnotherapist, helps you to experience lives you have lived before.

How is this possible?

As a Hypnotherapist, I have a range of techniques and methods I can use to help you overcome problematic ailments and conditions. One of the most powerful ones, and one I specialise in, is regression. In its simplest form it’s where I guide you back in time to explore the root cause of a condition by unearthing forgotten memories stored in your subconscious. The really powerful aspect of this technique is that the amount of time you can go back is not limited to this life time. This is due to reincarnation, genetic memory and soul memory because our subconscious minds contain memories of all the lives we have lived.

Past Life Regression

So how does it work?

Well, I will use Hypnotherapy to relax you and let your mind go to a time and place of its choosing. Like any form of Hypnosis it is safe and you remain in control of what happens to you at all times.

The human mind has the amazing ability to protect us by filtering and selectively “forgetting” experiences that overwhelm or harm us. So, the human body is a large repository of repressed emotions which are stored in our subconscious mind waiting for us to address them. Without special attention, they can manifest themselves as psychosomatic symptoms such as pain, anxiety, headaches and disease.

There are a number of methodologies about how to do past life regression and I am familiar with all of them. As part of my initial consultation process, we will talk about what you want to experience or what problems you are looking for help with. I will then discuss with you and recommend which technique is best for you.

What techniques are there?

Introspective Hypnosis

The purpose of Introspective Hypnosis is to look for these unresolved issues and clear them up. Introspective Hypnosis tries to focus on events or issues that originated in the current lifetime. If the origin is not found, then we ask the subconscious to take us to the time when it originated. This may be in a previous life time. Once we understand and resolve the psychological or emotional conflict, the symptoms are reduced or alleviated completely.

Introspective Hypnosis was developed to help incarnated spirits and to help disembodied ones as some symptoms can be caused by these spirit attachments. These are ones that are lost, confused, or that might have unresolved issues with the host. The purpose of Introspective Hypnosis is to help these spirits by treating them with respect and affection. We then work with them to assist them to move on and continue their evolution. Once the spirit departs any symptoms, emotions or behaviour transmitted to the host will be gone causing almost immediate relief.

Past Life Regression
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is Dolores Cannon’s (one of the pioneers of Past Life Regression) own technique that uses hypnosis to achieve Quantum healing. Doing this you can visit past lives, future lives, life between lives, as well as forgotten memories from your current life.

QHHT is not based in any religion or culture. It simply allows for the conscious mind, through hypnosis, to make contact with the subconscious. It is a powerful technique to help the client access the part of ourselves that transcends many lives. This part of ourselves, as Dolores had learned, is ever present and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind, in the subconscious. It is called The Higher Self, The Over Soul, even just the Soul. When we reincarnate we don’t remember our previous lives, the life between lives and our connection to our soul family and the Source (or God). But using these techniques we can see and experience past and even future life.  Practitioners of her QHHT technique access to past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate.

Beyond Quantum Healing

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is closely allied to Delores Cannon’s work on QHHT. The Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) technique was created by Candace Craw Goldman. Candace worked with Delores and not long after her death 2014 she developed her own technique and released it in 2017.

Using hypnosis techniques you reach a deep state of relaxation that allows you to connect with your Higher Self (subconscious, Spirit Self, etc.).  Doing this you can visit past lives, future lives, life between lives, as well as forgotten memories from your current life. Essentially, the Hypnotherapist asks the subconscious of the client to reveal information that may be unknown to the conscious mind that will aid in healing and discovering the root cause of both mental and physical problems, illnesses and phobias.

Past Life Regression

Practitioners of QHHT do not provide on line sessions and adhere to a tightly controlled scripts. While with BQH it can be done in person or on line and the Hypnotherapist is encouraged to let the session develop organically, going where the client’s subconscious leads. The idea of letting the session develop naturally rather than being prescriptive is key to the way this modality works. The Hypnotherapist acts as a facilitator to allow the client to communicate with the client higher self. It also allows the client to ask questions that have been prepared beforehand.

 Past Life Therapy

Unlike a full past life regression, Past Life Therapy is an abbreviated and symptom specific technique. It uses very simple relaxation techniques that induce a state where you can relive certain events from the past. Using this technique we do not explore past lives so much as focus on one event that is causing problems in the present. The idea is to bring to your consciousness what is currently hidden in the subconscious. It is possible to change certain attitudes and thoughts that condition us or restrict us and often we do not know why they occur. 

Using it you will be able to revisit the unresolved traumatic episode that is causing your current problems and find the internal resources you have to solve them and create a new pattern of behaviour. This will allow you to begin a new path of self-knowledge, personal growth and to move away from suffering. One of the advantages of regressive therapy is the speed with which we can identify the core of the problem that affects us and deal with it. 

Somatizations are physical symptoms that can’t be fully explained by the presence of a medical condition. These are often physical expressions of stress, anxiety and other psychological issues. It is all about understanding and getting to the bottom of symptoms like these. Using this therapy you can also achieve profound change and resolve mental blockages, phobias, depression, fears and tensions.

Example Sessions

All hypnotherapy sessions are private and confidential. I do not and will not share any footage or details about a session without the client’s permission. This includes past life regression sessions. I have a full Privacy Policy, which you are welcome to read.  

However, occasionally a client is happy to share some or all the details of their session. I have created a page of these sessions

Preparing for a Session

In order to get the most out a session I have some hints and tips for you. See my session preparation page for more details. 

Group Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression is traditionally carried out on a one to one basis. However, as I do most of my sessions over Zoom it is possible to have a group past life regression. Past Life regression is an area I specialise in. So I have developed an exciting new method for doing this and have used it with people as far flung as Canada and South Africa. The beauty is that it can be done anywhere in the world and with any size of group. 

More Information

Still have questions? No problem. I have a Frequently Asked Questions page about past life Regression. Or, failing that, contact me for more information. 

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