Paladin Hypnotherapy


Expand Your Perspective

48 Minutes

June 2024

Come and unlock the true potential of your mind with my transformative meditation experience designed to expand your consciousness.

This powerful practice will help you regain your perspective, allowing you to see life’s challenges from a fresh, empowering viewpoint. By embracing this new approach, you’ll cultivate your inner strength to navigate difficult situations with grace and resilience.

Together lets embark on a journey towards a more enlightened and empowered YOU, where every obstacle becomes an opportunity for growth and every moment a chance to thrive.

37 Minutes

May 2024

Come and Embark on a transformative journey with this unique meditation experience!

Join me as we harness the power of ancient wisdom and modern mindfulness techniques to guide you through, starting off with a rejuvenating bike ride! Discover the art of releasing energies that do not serve you, as we delve deep into the essence of your being.

Through focused intention and serene visualization, I will help you build a protective shield around yourself, fostering a sense of safety and strength. We will be clearing our chakras and releasing the burdens of unwanted energy and emerge refreshed, revitalized, and ready to embrace our true potential. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your mind, body, and spirit.

38 Minutes

April 2024

Feeling overwhelmed by the stresses of daily life? 

Come and take a moment to decompress with my guided meditation, “Flying Free.” 

Whether you’re juggling work deadlines, family obligations, or simply need a break from the chaos, this meditation offers a serene oasis of tranquillity. Starting with yogic breath techniques, I will guide you on a journey where you’ll spread your wings and soar high above, shedding all worries and burdens as you embrace the feeling of absolute freedom. It’s a few moments of pure bliss where you can disconnect from the world and reconnect with your true self. 

Join me for “Flying Free Meditation” and experience the rejuvenating power of letting go!

38 Minutes

March 2024

Come and join me for a transformative journey where you’ll release the burden of control and embrace the freedom of riding life’s waves. Find tranquillity amidst the chaos and experience the serenity of surrender.

Let’s dive into this ‘Surfing the Waves of Life’ meditation and let the journey begin!

Discover inner peace and joy as you learn to navigate life’s challenges with grace and ease in our ‘Surfing the Waves of Life’ meditation. Embrace the wisdom of the surfer within and unlock a deeper sense of flow and fulfilment today.

Magical Island – Rest and Rejuvenation 

38 Minutes

February 2024

Come and embark on a transformative journey to reclaim rest and relaxation amidst life’s chaos.

Join me for a unique meditation experience that emphasizes giving yourself permission to unwind, recharge, and even take a nap when needed. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial to recognize that rest is not laziness but rather a vital component of well-being.

This guided session addresses feelings of sudden tiredness and disrupted sleep patterns, offering gentle guidance to embrace restorative rest and inner peace. Rediscover the power of relaxation amidst life’s epic moments, and nurture your mind, body, and soul with our rejuvenating meditation journey.

Healthy Boundaries

20 Minutes

January 2024

✨Unlock the power of your imagination and cultivate healthy boundaries with this transformative meditation. ✨ 

Join me on a journey to sell the imaginary plots of your inner landscape, making space for robust boundaries that foster emotional well-being. Immerse yourself in this guided meditation to create a sanctuary within, promoting self-awareness and resilience. Discover the art of setting healthy limits and nurturing a balanced, empowered mindset. Embrace the potential for personal growth and inner strength as you embark on this captivating meditation experience.

This meditation was part of the free workshop on establishing and maintaining healthy personal boundaries held in January 2024. I am developing a wider course on this. For more information, contact me here.  

51 Minutes

January 2024

Step into the rejuvenating embrace of our magical waterfall healing meditation and cleanse the body and soul as we start the New Year. Immerse yourself in the cascading waters, feeling the ancient energy wash away the old and invite a fresh beginning. Come and embrace the magic, recharge your soul, and step into the New Year with renewed vitality and a sense of limitless possibilities. Join me on this transformative journey towards a brighter and more vibrant you! Enjoy!

48 Minutes

December 2023

“Harmony Unleashed: A Guided Meditation for Embracing Change in Yourself”

Just as a dynamic image of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis is a powerful symbol of transformation and can visually convey the concept of positive change. Its vibrant colours and the metamorphosis communicates the potential beauty that can come from embracing change. Come and discover serenity in change with this transformative meditation experience, guiding you to embrace change in yourself gracefully. Unlock a journey of self-discovery and find peace in the evolving rhythm of life.

Angelic Realm Meditation

41 Minutes

November 2023

Come and embark on a transcendent journey with our Angelic Realm Meditation, where serenity meets celestial guidance. Immerse yourself in a tranquil oasis as you connect with Archangel Raphael, the divine healer. Let the soothing waves of meditation wash over you, clearing and aligning your Chakra’s with ethereal precision. Elevate your spiritual well-being and invite profound healing into your existence. Join me for this celestial voyage, where the whispers of Archangel Raphael brings harmony to your mind, body, and soul.

45 Minutes

October 2023

Come with me on a magical journey with Merlin and the Fairies through the transformative power of meditation. Dive into the enchanted realm of your mind and discover the benefits of relaxation, creativity, and personal growth. As you meditate, you’ll receive profound wisdom from the wise Merlin and experience deep healing from the gentle touch of the Fairies. Allow yourself to playfully interact with these mystical beings as you explore the enchanting and wondrous realms within you. Come and unlock the magic of meditation and awaken your inner potential!

Heart Centred

51 Minutes

August 2023

Lets get heart Centred by bringing in the four elements and Christ Consciousness Meditation. The world around us can sometimes feel disconnected and chaotic. Staying heart-centred offers us a powerful anchor of love, empathy, and compassion. By cultivating this mindset, we create a positive impact on ourselves, our relationships, and the world at large. Staying heart-centred is of utmost importance for our overall well-being, personal growth, and the betterment of the world around us. Join me for a profound experience where we embrace the wisdom of the four elements and Christ consciousness. We will be opening our hearts to profound harmony and balance in this transformative meditation. Come and unlock the depths of your soul and connect with the universal energies that reside within. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a path of self-discovery and connection!

Grounding in Nature

40 Minutes

July 2023

Come and discover the transformative power of grounding and unlock a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you. Grounding is the practice of connecting with the Earth’s energy, anchoring yourself in the present moment, and reaping the incredible benefits it offers. By grounding, you can experience a profound sense of stability, balance, and clarity. It helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, providing a soothing balm for the soul. Grounding promotes physical and emotional well-being, enhancing your overall health and vitality. It cultivates a deep sense of rootedness, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and strength. Come and embrace the healing energy of Mother Earth, and let grounding be your foundation for a more centered and harmonious life. Enjoy!


43 Minutes

June 2023

In a world filled with constant hustle and noise, have you ever yearned for a moment of stillness? A sanctuary where you can find solace and reconnect with what truly matters? Look no further! Our meditation on gratitude is the key to unlocking a profound sense of fulfilment and joy in your life. Gratitude is a superpower that resides within each and every one of us, waiting to be discovered and nurtured. It has the incredible ability to transform our perspective, inviting us to see the world through a lens of appreciation and abundance. By choosing gratitude, we embark on a remarkable journey that transcends the mundane and unveils the extraordinary in every moment. Come experience the magic of gratitude first-hand. In the gentle embrace of this practice, you will learn to cultivate a grateful heart, awakening a sense of appreciation for the simple pleasures and blessings that surround you. Together, we will explore the power of gratitude and uncover the hidden treasures it holds. Join me on this transformative journey, where gratitude becomes your guiding light, illuminating the path towards a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfilment. Together, let us choose gratitude in every moment, and unlock the infinite potential that resides within. Gratitude awaits you. Are you ready to embrace its boundless blessings?

Overcoming Life’s Challenges. 

58 Minutes

May 2023

This meditation is about how to spiritually manage life’s challenges.

It is time for us to let go of those unhealthy thoughts and feelings and treat ourselves to a lovely relaxation as well as learn the art of feeling happy even in these challenging times. Who could be more qualified to help and teach us on this topic than our Guides and Angels? Our very own Teams, as well as our Higher Selves off course. We are going to call in our powerful allies, our divine helpers, and our trusted companions for their knowledge and insight and to bring in the healing we need for our highest good. So if you are wondering if “they” have any messages for you, this is the meditation for you!

Sending Love Into The World .

37 Minutes

April 2023

In the words of American singer-songwriter, Jackie De Shannon, ‘What the world needs now is love sweet love, its the only thing that there’s just too little of’. 

Join me for this lovely relaxation and let us send out much needed love and healing into the world.

Empower Yourself .

40 Minutes

March 2023

Join me for this important and powerful meditation to help empower yourself to achieve what you desire. 

Prosperity Meditation.

37 Minutes

February 2023

Everything you need is already here. The foundations were set in your mind long ago, and the materials for building your personal empire are all around you.

Come with me on a magical journey to Camelot and lets bring in wealth, affluence and abundance.

Find your spirit animal meditation.

44 Minutes

February 2023

Come with me on a magic journey to find your spirit animal .

Guided Journey of Self Love Meditation.

54 Minutes

January 2023

Join me for this meditation on the important subject of self love.. 

Reclaim your Creativity.

40 Minutes

January 2023

Reclaim your creativity and inspiration. Also, check out my blog posts on creativity and how hypnosis it has helped many people including some famous ones.

Relaxation Meditation, negative energy release.

51 Minutes

December 2022

Join me for a relaxation mediation on the topic of “lifting negative energies”. Lets release any negative energy or limiting thoughts that no longer serve us.

Healing Victimization Meditation.

40 Minutes

November 2022

Whenever we feel blame or have been mistreated in some way these are indicators of a victim story. It is a perspective held and this information can be adjusted so that we can create optimal conditions for our future experiences and set ourselves free. So if you’re ready to move from the victim to the creator, the eternal abundant being of infinite worth and fathomless value that you are. 

Past Life Regression Meditation.

47 Minutes

January 2022

This is a taster for individuals interested in a past life regression.

I do one on one sessions for clients all over the world over Zoom. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation, without background music.

39 Minutes

May 2021

Enjoy this Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) with no background music for those who prefer. A version with music is also available. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation, with background music.

37 Minutes

May 2021

Enjoy this Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) with background music for those who prefer. A version without music is also available.