Paladin Hypnotherapy


Ruba Moghraby

Interview with a dear friend and colleague, fellow Introspective Hypnosis and Past Life Therapy practitioner, Ruba Moghraby (from Introspective Odyssey) Ruba Moghraby Interview with a dear friend and colleague, fellow Introspective Hypnosis and Past Life Therapy practitioner, Ruba Moghraby. We talk about a recent group past life regression I did and the advantages of therapy, root cause of pain and various healing techniques.

She has a website and You Tube channel. 

Rachel Mueller

I have recently been invited to join Rachel Mueller on her health and wellbeing podcast. During the episode we spoke about past lives and our spiritual journeys as well as how to use the information you get from them. We also speak about the groups of souls (soul family) that reincarnate together. To illustrate this I share some of experiences of my clients and the lessons they learned.

On her podcast she shares channelled messages to heal one’s self, and the collective. Her aim is to share knowledge in how to become truly happy and healthy through spirituality.

She has a website, is on Spotify, Facebook and Instagram

Dave Johnson

I recently spoke with Dave Johnson, a medium and channeller. An American living in Australia, Dave’s mission is to teach others how to develop themselves through spiritual techniques. His passions are channelling, Shamanism and exploring existence through your guides.

We spoke about Past Life Regression, Delores Cannon, Antonio Sangio, Alba Weinman, Quantum Healing and Introspective Hypnosis.

He has a You Tube channel and a website

Felix Hyde

I have interviewed Felix Hyde from the Heart Centre. Felix is a Quantum Energy Healer based in the UK. He aims to guide and facilitate self-healing through the use of meditation, visualisation and a number of different multidimensional therapies

We talk about his healing work and his fascinating journey into healing which began after a period of emotional trauma which had been masked and suppressed through alcohol and drug use. After moving into sobriety, Felix was then able to address this emotional stagnation which had been concealed by these addictions.

Felix’s has a website and a You Tube Channel.

Barbara Saldanha Paz

I have been speaking with Barbara Saldanha Paz. She is a You-tuber, Spiritualist and Believer. Following an Introspective Hypnosis session with her, we speak about past lives, life between lives and the true nature of our existence.

Her mission is to encourage, engage and equip others to believe in their possibilities. I uplift, inspire, empower, impact, support, inform, bring inner peace and entertain with metaphysical content, law of vibration and Spiritualism.

Barbara has a You Tube channel and is on Instagram.

Nannette Burnette

I have been interviewed by Nannette Burnette from the Divine Encounters and Guidance You Tube channel. We talked about overcoming fear. To see the interview in full, then click on the “no fear” image.

Like me, her passion is to help others find their seat of power or their throne – if you like. She offers classes in self-empowerment, channelling and intuitive gifts. As well as how to integrate with your higher self / soul self.

I have been to her Alchemy Class and also have had sessions with her, she is AMAZING!!! I highly recommend her.

She has a You Tube channel and a Facebook page

Lindsay Blair

I was recently interviewed by Lindsay Blair. She is a US based podcaster whose “Conscious Wellbeing Evolution” podcast features guests and discussion about topics such as holistic health and happiness, healing and spiritual development.

Episodes are posted on her YouTube channel. She is also on Facebook and other social media.