Celebrity Hypnotherapy for Confidence

The media and popular culture frequently portrays of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy as something strange or unreal. Despite this, many people in the know use this powerful set of techniques to cure themselves of phobias, ailments and other problems.

Below are a set of case studies where notable people have used Hypnotherapy to help with confidence

Slyvester Stallone

Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone is an American actor and filmmaker. He is one of just two actors in history (alongside Harrison Ford) to have starred in a box-office No. 1 film across six consecutive decades.

By the mid-1970s Sylvester Stallone had been trying to break into Hollywood as an actor for ten years. Then in 1976, the ‘Rocky’ film was born. Impressively, not only did he get an Oscar for the best actor but he also wrote the screen play for the film and won the Oscar for the best picture of the year. It was all due to hypnosis which helped with creating the screenplay and much more.

He wanted to play the lead role of Rocky Balboa which led to many (thought to be about 900) rejections.  He even turned down a $300,000 offer to ensure he played the lead.  But hypnotherapy helped him to maintain his self-confidence until he finally got the right offer. And the hypnotherapy was not done there.  In the official “Rocky” scrapbook Stallone wrote: “I arrived in Philadelphia for the location shoot and was scared to death. But every day I stretched out and played the subconscious motivation recordings made for me in Los Angeles.”. 

The man behind this help was Gil Boyne, known as “Hypnotist to the Stars.” Gil founded the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles in 1956. He has since taught more than four thousand Hypnotherapy students from all over the world.

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