Paladin Hypnotherapy


One to one or in a Group?

Hypnotherapy is traditionally carried out in a one to one format. However, depending on what service you require and how many of you there are, group sessions can be a good way to save money and have mutual support for the changes you want to make. Groups can range from a few to several dozen. I have, for example, done a group past life regression to about 50 people over video conferencing. So if you have a group of friends, family or colleagues who would benefit from a session (perhaps help to quit smoking, bereavement or a past life regression), then contact me for more information.

Anxiety & Stress

Sadly anxiety and stress in day to day life is becoming more and more common. We all worry about things from time to time but it should not start to have a major impact on your life and wellbeing. Hypnotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of anxieties. These include Generalized Anxiety Disorder (feeling anxious most of the time), Panic Disorder (frequent panic attacks), Social Anxiety Disorder (fear of social situations) and Agoraphobia (fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult).

Hypnotherapy can also be used to address the root cause of the problem, change how we feel about it, learn to calm your mind and understand what makes us anxious. Also, there are several related techniques that you can learn to reduce your stress and help with future worries and anxieties.

Click here for a set of case studies for famous people who have used Hypnotherapy to combat anxiety and stress. 

Confidence and Self Esteem

We all from time to time face a challenging situation in our life that daunt us. Perhaps it’s meeting new people, an important presentation or a key job interview. Low confidence can affect all parts of your life – works, social, relationships and hobbies / sport.  Perhaps there are things you want to try or achieve but you think you can’t do them.

Hypnotherapy can make you feel confident and less anxious, meaning that you will have a calm mind to think clearly, be assertive and achieve what you want. It can help you to reach your full potential and find that inner strength so you can achieve all that you want to. It will help you to face you insecurities and give you the strength to learn from mistakes and overcome challenges.

Stop Smoking / Vaping

Stopping smoking can be very difficult as it’s a potent combination of addiction and habit. So while the nicotine is addictive you get used to having something in your hand or having a five minute break every now and then.

If you are ready to quit smoking then hypnotherapy can help boost your will power and change the way you think and feel about smoking. 

Click here for a set of case studies for famous people who have used Hypnotherapy to quit smoking. 

Fears and Phobias

A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Some phobias may have little impact on your life, but if your phobia is causing you a problem then hypnotherapy can help. Most phobias are based in a previous experience which you may not even remember or understand. Hypnotherapy can help you change how you feel about the object of your phobia and help you overcome it. These can include Flying, Heights, Specific Animals, (such as spiders, dogs, or snakes), Needles / Receiving Injections and Blood.

Click here for a set of case studies for famous people who have used Hypnotherapy to overcome phobias. 

Unwanted Habits

It’s easy to develop unwanted habits such as smoking, nail biting, picking at your skin. These are physical examples, but other examples are being negative about things, watching too much TV or putting off important tasks. Hypnotherapy can help uncover the root causes of the habit, the payoff from doing it, help you get rid of the habit or change it into something more helpful or appropriate.

Click here for a set of case studies of famous people who have used hypnotherapy to overcome ailments and unwanted habits. 

Weight Loss

Along with quitting smoking, permanently losing weight can be one of the most challenging self-improvements you can do. Hypnotherapy can help you change your relationship with food and drink. It can also help you get motivated and explore the root causes of your eating or drinking habits such as comfort eating or boredom.

To illustrate how hypnotherapy can help with weight loss I have made a short video about it. 

Click here for a set of case studies for famous people who have used Hypnotherapy lose weight. 

Insomnia / Sleep Disorders

Insomnia (Sleeplessness) and other sleep disorders are common and can have a massive impact on your wellbeing and quality of life. Hypnotherapy can be used to explore the cause of the problems and help to resolve them. 

Past Life Regression / Introspective Hypnosis

One of the most powerful hypnotherapy techniques is regression. Put simply I can guide you back in time to explore the root cause of a condition by unearthing forgotten memories stored in your subconscious.

The really striking aspect of this technique is the amount of time you can go back is not limited to this life time. You can explore past lives. This is probably due to genetic memory, soul memory and reincarnation. 

Click here for a set of case studies for famous people who have used Hypnotherapy to explore  past lives. 

To find out more about past life regression, click  here.


Hypnotherapy can be used in a range of ways to help the bereaved and those struggling with a loss. These include reducing the symptoms of grief, helping to find a way to grieve that doesn’t overwhelm you, changing your perception of the loss, help you to deal with feelings of (survivors) guilty or regret, empower you to reconnect to memories of the person without painful feelings or distress, help with feelings of calm and strength and assist you to socialise again.

Specific techniques that can help you to focus on resolving the loss and restore mental and emotional wellness, allow you to address the root cause of problems that the conscious mind may not be aware of such as survivor guilt and give you a way to express to your loved one the feelings you wanted share or the things that you would like to have said.

Business and Career Growth

Are you and your team, department or business reaching their full potential? Do you have the right mind set to be successful? Do you adapt easily to new tasks and challenges? Are you stuck or are you moving forward?

Many of the choices and decisions we make are driven by our subconscious and Hypnotherapy can help do make sure you have all the tools you need to be a success. It will help you and your organisation to reach its fullest potential so you can achieve all that you want to. It will help you to face you weaknesses and give you the strength to learn from mistakes and overcome any challenges.

High Blood Pressure / Hypertension

While there can be medical reasons for high blood pressure in many cases the causes are stress or lifestyle related. Hypnotherapy can be used to treat many of these underlying causes including stress, anxiety, smoking, alcohol use, being overweight and a lack of exercise. Untreated high blood pressure can be deadly, so get help.


Pain is a major problem in modern society with many of us suffering some degree of discomfort. But within all of us there is the ability to manage and control our pain and discomfort. Clinical trials have shown that Hypnotherapy can eliminate, or at least reduce, pain and it does so without the side-effects of pain killing drugs. Even better, you can to use these techniques for yourself so you can become self-reliant and in total control.

It will also have an  impact on the effect of the pain as well as the pain itself, reduces stress and anxiety associated with pain and avoid or reduce the need for opioids.

I am also a qualified practitioner of the Arrow pain management technique. 


Depression is all too common and can affect any of us. Hypnotherapy can help in several ways to complement or replace other therapies. It will help you to explore the root causes or triggers for your depression and help you avoid or change how you feel about these factors. It can also help you respond to depression in a healthier way. Diet, exercise and lifestyle can all impact on depression and Hypnotherapy can help you establish the right balance.

The third Monday in January is called Blue Monday, but depression is an all year round challenge. 

Help With Medical Conditions

Sometimes due to being diagnosed with certain medical conditions we are forced to make life style changes. Being over weight and smoking are two of the largest risk factors as they lead to other conditions such as diabetes and cancer.  Unfortunately, these can be some of hardest things to change in your life.

Hypnotherapy can help you get motivated and explore the root causes of these life style choices. To illustrate this I have made a short video about diabetes and how hypnotherapy can help. 

Hypnotherapy can also help you deal with stress and anxiety associated with medical procedures and operations. 


While for many women menopause is a tolerable time in their lives, for some the symptoms can be more serious and debilitating. There are often physical and emotional challenges. Hypnotherapy can be used to ease many of the symptoms including sleep problems, hot flushes and sweating, weight gain and mood changes. Left untreated, these in turn can lead to other problems such as anxiety and depression.

Hypnotherapy is such a great tool to help with those issues that I have made a short video about menopause and how hypnotherapy can help.

Creative Block

Be it writers block, artists block or just an inability to come up with new and fresh ideas, creative block can be an issue for many in creative professions.  Creativity is firmly rooted in the subconscious. So, because of how hypnotherapy works, it’s an ideal way to communicate direct with it.

There are a number of other ailments that can cause creative block, like stress, depression and burnout. Hypnotherapy can also help with these conditions and allow you to access your deep reservoirs of creativity again.

Click here for a set of case studies of famous people who have used hypnotherapy to overcome creative block. 

Obsessive–compulsive disorder 

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a behavioural disorder in which you have intrusive thoughts and / or feel compelled to perform certain minor tasks, rituals and routines repeatedly. Not doing so, causes agitation, anxiety and the belief that something bad will happen. 

Hypnotherapy can help you explore and treat the root cause of these ingrained routines and why they seem so important. It can be these routines were soothing action that become ingrained following a past trauma or stress inducing event. Within hypnotherapy are a number of techniques that can harness your mind and subconscious to overcome these urges.

Past Life Therapy

Unlike a full past life regression, Past Life Therapy is an abbreviated and symptom specific technique. It uses very simple relaxation techniques that induce a state where you can relive certain events from the past. Using this technique we do not explore past lives so much as focus on one event that is causing problems in the present. The idea is to bring to your consciousness what is currently hidden in the subconscious. It is possible to change certain attitudes and thoughts that condition us or restrict us and often we do not know why they occur.